Search Results for: NTIA

jackson standard

Jackson standard. Criminal law. The principle that the standard of review on appeal — when a criminal defen-dant claims that there is insufficient evidence to support the conviction — is to determine whether, after consi-dering the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential […]

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Restatement. One of several influential treatises published by the American Law Institute describing the law in a given area and guiding its development. • The Restatements use a distinctive format of black-letter rules, official comments, illustrations, and reporter’s notes. Although the Restatements are frequently cited in cases and commentary, a Restatement provision is not binding

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res merae facultatis

res merae facultatis (rays meer-ee fak-[schwa]l-tay-tis). [Law Latin] Scots law. A matter of mere power. “Res merae facultatis …. Such, for example, is the right which a proprietor has of building upon his own property, or which any one has of walking upon the seashore, or sailing upon the sea, or on any navigable river.

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message. A written or oral communication, often sent through a messenger or other agent, or electronically (e.g., through e-mail or voicemail). annual message. A message from the President or a governor given at the opening of an annual legislative session. Presidential message. A communication from the President to the U.S. Congress on matters pertaining to

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ignoring, n. Family law. A parent’s or caregiver’s pattern of depriving a child of essential intellectual or emotional stimulation or of otherwise stifling emotional growth and intellectual development, essentially by being unavailable. Cf. ISOLATING; REJECTING.

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