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acceleration, n. 1. The advancing of a loan agreement’s maturity date so that payment of the entire debt is due immediately. [Cases: Bills and Notes 129(2). C.J.S. Bills and Notes; Letters of Credit §§ 76, 92–100.] 2. The shortening of the time for vesting in possession of an expectant interest. — Also termed acceleration of […]

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shifting use

A use arising from the occurrence of a certain event that terminates the preceding use. • In the following example, C has a shifting use that arises when D makes the specified payment: “to A for the use of B, but then to C when D pays $1,000 to E.” This is a type of

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revocatory action

revocatory action (rev-[schwa]-k[schwa]-tor-ee or ri-vok-[schwa]-tor-ee).Civil law. An action brought by a creditor to annul a contract that has been entered into by the debtor and that will increase the debtor’s insolvency. La. Civ. Code art. 2036. [Cases: Fraudulent Conveyances 205–328.]

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loadmanage. Hist. 1. The fee paid to loadsmen, who sail in small vessels acting as pilots for larger ships. 2. The hiring of a pilot for a vessel. 3. A pilot’s or loadsman’s skill. — Also spelled lodemanage; lode manage.

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joint resolutions of Congress

joint resolutions of Congress 〈美〉国会(两院)的联合决议 国会两院的联合决议通过的程序与法案〔bill〕相同,即都必须在两院获得通过,并经总统签署,始成为法律。联合决议是表述国策的重要手段。联合决议不同于共同决议〔concurrent resolution〕,共同决议由一院通过并经另一院批准,但不具法律效力。 (→concurrent resolution)

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sequestration (see-kwes-tray-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The process by which property is removed from the possessor pending the outcome of a dispute in which two or more parties contend for it. Cf. ATTACHMENT(1); GARNISHMENT. [Cases: Sequestration 1. C.J.S. Sequestration §§ 2–3, 5.] conventional sequestration. The parties’ voluntary deposit of the property at issue in a lawsuit. judicial

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