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contract specification defense

contract-specification defense. An affirmative defense that immunizes a contractor from liability for a defect in a product when the contractor has manufactured or performed according to detailed contractual orders. • The defense applies to specialized, single-use components and protects a component supplier from claims of negligent design if the component conforms to the contractual specifications […]

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law latin

Law Latin. A corrupted form of Latin formerly used in law and legal documents, including judicial writs, royal charters, and private deeds. • It primarily consists of a mixture of Latin, French, and English words used in English sentence structures. — Abbr. L.L.; L. Lat. — Also written law Latin. “LAW LATIN. A technical kind

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narrator (na-ray-tor or na-ray-t[schwa]r), n. [Law Latin] Hist. A pleader or counter; a person who prepares pleadings (i.e., narrs). • For example, a serjeant-at-law was also known as serviens narrator. Pl. narratores (na-r[ schwa]-tor-eez). “The Latin narrator and its French equivalent contour became technical terms. If an English term was in use, it was perhaps

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trade dress

trade dress. Trademarks. The overall appearance and image in the marketplace of a product or a commercial enterprise. • For a product, trade dress typically comprises packaging and labeling. For an enterprise, it typically comprises design and decor. If a trade dress is distinctive and nonfunctional, it may be protected under trademark law. — Also

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license fee

license fee. 1. A monetary charge imposed by a governmental authority for the privilege of pursuing a particular occupation, business, or activity. — Also termed license tax. [Cases: Licenses 1. C.J.S. Architects § 8; Licenses§§ 2–4.] 2. A charge of this type accompanied by a requirement that the licensee take some action, or be subjected

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Instrument of Government

Instrument of Government 〈英〉《政府约法》 在奥利弗·克伦威尔〔Oliver Cromwell〕于1653年12月16日成为护国公〔lord protector〕后拟定的成文宪法。作者为少将〔Major-General〕军衔的约翰·兰伯特〔John Lambert〕。该约法原欲任命克伦威尔为国王,但遭到婉拒,克伦威尔最终接受依约法规定担任护国公。该法规定:立法权属于护国公克伦威尔和议会,行政权由护国公和一个人数不超过21人的政务会掌握;议会应于1654年9月召开会议,此后应每3年召开一次,会议期间享有对陆军和海军的控制权;议会有权制定法律,并有权制止任何未经其同意的税收;内战期间反对议会之人不能参加议会选举或被选入前四届议会,永远取消罗马天主教徒入选议会的资格;护国公为终身职位,但该职位应选举产生,它对立法仅有暂停性否决权等。该法的缺点是未规定权力机关即护国公、政务会、议会之间的协调,也未规定该法本身的修订。该法为英国制定成文宪法的第一次尝试。

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