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creativity. Copyright. The degree to which a work displays imaginativeness beyond what a person of very ordi-nary talents might create. • Labor and expense are not elements of creativity; for that reason, they are not protected by copyright. Feist Pubs., Inc. v. Rural Tel. Serv. Co., 499 U.S. 340, 111 S.Ct. 1282 (1991). Cf. ORIGINALITY;

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strict scrutiny

strict scrutiny. Constitutional law. The standard applied to suspect classifications (such as race) in equal-protection analysis and to fundamental rights (such as voting rights) in due-process analysis. • Under strict scrutiny, the state must establish that it has a compelling interest that justifies and necessitates the law in question. See COMPELLING-STATE-INTEREST TEST T; SUSPECT CLASSIFICATION;

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recreation grounds

recreation grounds 〈英〉游乐场地 村庄中的绿地是早期的游乐场地,村民享有有限的游乐权利。1845年《圈地法》〔Inclosure Acts〕规定,拨出公地或部分公地作为周围地区居民的游乐场地。1863年《城镇公园保护法》〔Town Gardens Protection Act〕也有将城市或自治镇中弃置的广场改作公园的规定。

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depository institution

depository institution. 1. An organization formed under state or federal law, authorized by law to receive deposits, and supervised and examined by a government agency for the protection of depositors. [Cases: Banks and Banking 1–62. C.J.S. Banks and Banking §§ 2–126, 480–481, 663–664, 697, 732–739, 746–748, 755, 758–783.] 2. A trust company or other institution

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credit report

credit report. 1. A credit bureau’s report on a person’s financial status, usu. including the approximate amounts and locations of a person’s bank accounts, charge accounts, loans, and other debts, bill-paying habits, defaults, bankruptcies, foreclosures, marital status, occupation, income, and lawsuits. See CREDIT BUREAU. 2. The report of a credit-reporting bureau, usu. including highly personal

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legal capital

An amount equal to the aggregate “par” or stated value of all outstanding shares of a corporation, or, in the case of stock without par value, an amount set by the board of directors. • A minority of states require this amount to remain in the corporation to protect creditors. — Also termed stated capital.

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personality. 1. The legal status of one regarded by the law as a person; the legal conception by which the law regards a human being or an artificial entity as a person. — Also termed legal personality. “Legal personality … refers to the particular device by which the law creates or recognizes units to which

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national treatment

Intellectual property. The policy or practice of a country that accords the citizens of other countries the same intellectual-property protection as it gives its own citizens, with no formal treaty of reciprocity required. • The principle of national treatment underlay the first international intellectual-property treaties in the 19th century, the Paris and Berne Conventions, and

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