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free a. (1)自由的;非专制的;享有法律和政治权利的;不受奴役的 (2)有选择权的;不受拘束、强迫和限制的(→free will) (3)开放的;公开的;无限制的;无障碍的 (4)不受拘禁和管制的;不受规范和管辖的 (5)免费的;免税的 (6)中立的 v. (7)解放;释放 (8)免除;使摆脱(约束或义务)

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feu (fyoo), n. [fr. Law Latin feudum “a fee”] 1. A right to land given to a person in exchange for service to be performed. 2. Scots law. Land held by a vassal in return for an annual payment in money, crops, or services (called feu duty). • This type of tenure was abolished in

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duel. 1. TRIAL BY COMBAT. 2. A single combat; specif., a prearranged combat with deadly weapons fought between two or more persons under prescribed rules, usu. in the presence of at least two witnesses, to resolve a previous quarrel or avenge a deed. • In England and the United States, death resulting from a duel

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life qualified jury

Criminal law. In a case involving a capital crime, a jury selected from a venire from which the judge has excluded anyone unable or unwilling to consider a sentence of life imprisonment, instead of the death penalty, if the defendant is found guilty. Cf. death-qualified jury. [Cases: Jury 33(2.15). C.J.S. Juries §§ 409, 446.]

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Seventh Amendment

The constitutional amendment, ratified with the Bill of Rights in 1791, guaranteeing the right to a jury trial in federal civil cases that are traditionally considered to be suits at common law and that have an amount in controversy exceeding $20. [Cases: Jury 9–14. C.J.S. Juries §§ 6–23, 26–36, 41–43, 46–51, 53–57, 59, 61–73, 81,

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noncumulative voting

A corporate voting system in which a shareholder is limited in board elections to voting no more than the number of shares that he or she owns for a single candidate. • The result is that a majority shareholder will elect the entire board of directors. — Also termed straight voting. [Cases: Corporations 283(2). C.J.S.

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relative confession

Hist. A confession of guilt coupled with an accusation against another person as a participant in the crime. • If the accusation against the other person was proved, the accusing defendant was pardoned. If not, the defendant was convicted on the confession. See State v. Willis, 41 A. 820, 825 (Conn. 1898). See AP-PROVER(1).

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damnum fatale

damnum fatale (dam-n[schwa]m f[schwa]-tay-lee). [Latin “unavoidable damage”] Roman law. Damage caused by an unavoidable circumstance, such as a storm or a shipwreck, for which bailees or others will not be held liable. • But an exception was made for damages resulting from theft. “The liability of innkeepers, carriers, and stable keepers, at Roman law, was

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penal servitude

penal servitude 〈英〉劳役刑 1853年取代14年以下流刑的一种将罪犯监管起来并强迫其劳动的刑罚。它可以由有权机关决定在任何地点执行,其刑期与流刑刑期有关,但短于流刑的刑期,最低刑期为3年,并且不得赦免。1857年的一项法令恢复了同流刑相应的刑期,并且可以根据提前释放、破格释放而得到赦免。该制度包括三个阶段:即在本顿维尔监狱〔Pentonville〕或其他地方监狱内的隔离囚禁;监狱工场的集体劳动;凭特许证予以释放。1926年的一项法令赋予了法院在某些案件中对罪犯施以劳役刑以替代监禁刑的权力。劳役刑与苦役监禁刑〔imprisonment with hard labour〕的区别在于:后者只能在监狱的围墙内执行,并且不能超过2年,至多3年。1948年劳役刑和苦役监禁刑都被取消。

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