Search Results for: GREE


league. 1. A covenant made by nations, groups, or individuals for promoting common interests or ensuring mutual protection. 2. An alliance or association of nations, groups, or individuals formed by such a covenant. 3. A unit of distance, usu. measuring about three miles (chiefly, nautical). [Cases: Weights and Measures 3. C.J.S. Weights and Measures § […]

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age of consent

The age, usu. defined by statute as 16 years, at which a person is legally capable of agreeing to marriage (without parental consent) or to sexual intercourse. • If a person over the age of consent has sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent, the older person may be prosecuted for statutory

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meeting of the minds

meeting of the minds. Contracts. Actual assent by both parties to the formation of a contract, meaning that they agree on the same terms, conditions, and subject matter. • This was required under the traditional subjective theory of assent, but modern contract doctrine requires only objective manifestations of assent. — Also termed mutuality of assent;

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price fixing

price-fixing. The artificial setting or maintenance of prices at a certain level, contrary to the workings of the free market. • Price-fixing is usu. illegal per se under antitrust law. See FIX(3). [Cases: Monopolies 17(1.7). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 83–85, 87.] “Price-fixing agreements may or may not be aimed at complete elimination of price competition. The

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interstate compact on the placement of children

Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children. An agreement whose purpose is to ensure that when states are involved in the placement or adoption of children across state lines, the states cooperate with each other to facilitate the process and to protect the children. • This compact is intended to secure states’ cooperation in investigating

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M2. A measure of the money supply including M1 items, plus savings and time deposits, money-market accounts, and overnight-repurchase agreements.

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transaction, n. 1. The act or an instance of conducting business or other dealings; esp., the formation, performance, or discharge of a contract. 2. Something performed or carried out; a business agreement or exchange. 3. Any activity involving two or more persons. 4. Civil law. An agreement that is intended by the parties to prevent

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