Search Results for: RULE, THE

local law

local law. 1. A statute that relates to or operates in a particular locality rather than the entire state. 2. A statute that applies to particular persons or things rather than an entire class of persons or things. — Also termed (in senses 1 & 2) local act; local statute. [Cases: Statutes 76–104. C.J.S. Statutes

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cepi (see-pI). [Latin] Hist. I have taken. • Cepi was often used in a capias return by an arresting sheriff, as in cepi corpus et est in custodia (“I have taken the defendant [or body] and he is in custody”). “But for injuries committed with force to the person, property, or possession, of the plaintiff,

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superlien. A government’s lien that is imposed on a property whose condition violates environmental and public-health and public-safety rules and that has priority over all other liens, so that the government can recover public funds spent on cleanup operations. • A statutory lien is superior to all existing liens and all later-filed liens on the

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IRAC (I-rak). A mnemonic acronym used mostly by law students and their writing instructors, esp. as a method of answering essay questions on law exams. • The acronym is commonly said to stand for either (1) issue, rule, application, conclusion, or (2) issue, rule, analysis, conclusion.

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restraint of trade

restraint of trade 贸易限制 指以排除或抑制竞争为目的而签订合同或组成联合体,造成垄断,人为地维持商品的价格或阻碍贸易和商业的正常发展;亦指合约中一方当事人对另一方当事人从事一定贸易、业务或职业的限制。贸易限制通常被认为是违反法律的,但如果其实施符合双方当事人和公众的利益,也可被认为是合理的。(→rule of reason; Sherman Antitrust Act)

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ejusdem generis

ejusdem generis (ee-j[schwa]s-d[schwa]m jen-[schwa]-ris also ee-joos- or ee-yoos-). [Latin “of the same kind or class”] A canon of construction that when a general word or phrase follows a list of specifics, the general word or phrase will be interpreted to include only items of the same type as those listed. • For example, in the

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