Search Results for: UNLAWFUL

statutory rape

Unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of consent (as defined by statute), regardless of whether it is against that person’s will. • Generally, only an adult may be convicted of this crime. A person under the age of consent cannot be convicted. — Also termed rape under age. See age of consent

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threat, n. 1. A communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another or on another’s property, esp. one that might diminish a person’s freedom to act voluntarily or with lawful consent (a kidnapper’s threats of violence). [Cases: Extortion and Threats 25. 1. C.J.S. Threats and Unlawful Communications §§ 2–20.] terroristic threat. A threat to

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racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. A law designed to attack organized criminal activity and preserve marketplace integrity by investigating, controlling, and prosecuting persons who participate or conspire to participate in racketeering. • Enacted in 1970, the federal RICO statute applies only to activity involving interstate or foreign commerce. 18 USCA §§ 1961–1968. Since then,

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carnal knowledge

carnal knowledge. Archaic. Sexual intercourse, esp. with an underage female. — Sometimes shortened to knowledge. [Cases: Incest 6; Rape 7. C.J.S. Incest § 5; Rape § 17.] “The ancient term for the act itself was ‘carnal knowledge’ and this is found in some of the recent cases and statutes. The phrase ‘sexual intercourse,’ more common

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systematic violation

systematic violation. Civil-rights law. An employer’s policy or procedure that discriminates against an employee. • Such a policy or procedure will usu. be considered a continuing violation. So an employee’s claim of unlawful discrimination will not be barred as untimely as long as some discriminatory effect of the policy or procedure occurs within the limitations

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illegal a. 不合法的;违法的;非法的;违反规则的 该词被普遍使用,含义及后果不甚明确。它可以指法律直接禁止的行为,如谋杀、阻塞公路等;也可以指违反法定义务或社会公共政策并不可强制执行的行为。行为的不合法性不仅在于因其违反法律而对行为者施加刑事处罚,而且因为该行为得不到法律的承认,也无从产生权利,只能对由此造成的损失进行补救。它经常与「非法」〔unlawful〕同义使用。

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terroristic threat

A threat to commit any crime of violence with the purpose of (1) terrorizing another, (2) causing the evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, (3) causing serious public inconvenience, or (4) recklessly disregarding the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. Model Penal Code § 211. See TERRORISM. [Cases:

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abuse of process

abuse of process. The improper and tortious use of a legitimately issued court process to obtain a result that is either unlawful or beyond the process’s scope. — Also termed abuse of legal process; malicious abuse of process; malicious abuse of legal process; wrongful process; wrongful process of law. Cf. MALICIOUS PROSECUTION. [Cases: Process 168–171.

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