Search Results for: GREE


inscription, n. 1. The act of entering a fact or name on a list, register, or other record. 2. An entry so recorded. 3. Civil law. An agreement whereby an accuser must, if the accusation is false, receive the same punishment that the accused would have been given if found guilty. — inscribe, vb. —

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authenticum (aw-then-t[schwa]-k[schwa]m).Roman & civil law. 1. An original instrument. 2. (cap.) A Latin version of 134 Novels promulgated by Justinian mostly in Greek between A.D. 535 and 556. — Also termed Authenticae.

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compromis (kom-pr[schwa]-mee). [French] Int’l law. An agreement between two or more countries to submit an existing dispute to the jurisdiction of an arbitrator, an arbitral tribunal, or an international court. See compro-missory arbitration under ARBITRATION. ad hoc compromis (ad hok kom-pr[schwa]-mee). An agreement in which countries submit a particular dispute that has arisen between them

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conjuration (kon-j[schwa]-ray-sh[schwa]n). Hist. 1. A plot or compact made by persons who swear to each other to do something that will result in public harm. 2. The offense of attempting a conference with evil spirits to discover some secret or effect some purpose; witchcraft; sorcery. “Coniuration (coniuratio) is the very French word drawne from the

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