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parapherna (par-[schwa]-f[schwa]r-n[schwa]), n. [Greek “things brought on the side”] 1. Roman law. Property of a wife not forming part of her dowry. See DOS(1). 2. Scots law. A married woman’s personal property, such as clothing, jewelry, and intimate possessions, which a husband did not acquire by virtue of marriage. See JUS MARITI.

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negligent, adj. Characterized by a person’s failure to exercise the degree of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised in the same circumstance (the negligent driver went through the stop sign) (negligent construction caused the bridge to collapse). [Cases: Automobiles 146; Negligence 200, 232. C.J.S. Motor Vehicles §§ 18, 41, 500–503, 506–510, 545–546,

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comparative rectitude

comparative rectitude. Family law. Archaic. The degree to which one spouse is less culpable than the other in damaging the marriage, so that even though both spouses are at fault, the less culpable spouse may successfully petition for a separation or divorce. • Comparative rectitude tempers the doctrine of recrimination by making a divorce possible

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simulated contract

Civil law. A contract that, by mutual agreement, does not express the true intent of the parties. La. Civ. Code art. 2025. • A simulated contract is absolute when the parties intend that the contract will impose no obligations; no obligations are enforceable on the parties by such a contract. A simulated contract is relative

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Warsaw Convention

Int’l law. A treaty (to which the United States is a party) negotiated in Warsaw, Poland, in 1929, consisting of uniform rules governing claims made for personal injuries arising out of international air travel. Cf. MONTREAL AGREEMENT. [Cases: Carriers 307; Treaties 8.C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace §§ 265, 267; Carriers § 573; Treaties § 6.]

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rhodian law

Rhodian law (roh-dee-[schwa]n). As legend would have it, the earliest known system or code of maritime law, supposedly dating from 900 B.C. and adopted intact by the Romans. • Rhodian law was purportedly developed by the people of the island Rhodes, located in the Aegean Sea and now belonging to Greece. The ancient inhabitants of

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american federation of television and radio artists

American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. A labor union composed of actors, announcers, narrators, and vocalists. • In the entertainment industry, performers hired by producers that have agreements with the union must be paid according to the union’s set scale. It is affiliated with the AFL-CIO. — Abbr. AFTRA.

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