Search Results for: GREE

aid and abet

aid and abet, vb. To assist or facilitate the commission of a crime, or to promote its accomplishment. • Aiding and abetting is a crime in most jurisdictions. — Also termed aid or abet; counsel and procure. [Cases: Criminal Law 59. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 127, 998.] — aider and abettor, n. “The phrase ‘aid […]

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consanguinity (kon-sang-gwin-[schwa]-tee), n. The relationship of persons of the same blood or origin. See prohibited degree under DEGREE. Cf. AFFINITY; AFFINITAS AFFINITATIS. [Cases: Incest 5; Marriage 10. C.J.S. Incest § 4; Marriage § 17.] — consanguineous, adj. “In the mode of computing the degrees of consanguinity, the civil law … begins with the intestate, and

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convention. 1. An agreement or compact, esp. one among nations; a multilateral treaty (the Geneva Convention). See TREATY. [Cases: Treaties 1. C.J.S. Treaties § 2.] 2. A special deliberative assembly elected for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending a constitution. See CONSTITUTION (1). — Also termed constitutional convention. [Cases: Constitutional Law 8, 10. C.J.S.

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partition, n. 1. Something that separates one part of a space from another. 2. The act of dividing; esp., the division of real property held jointly or in common by two or more persons into individually owned interests. — Also termed partition in kind. [Cases: Common Lands 14; Partition 1–10. C.J.S. Common Lands §§ 17–19;

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merces (m[schwa]r-seez), n. [Latin] Roman law. 1. An agreed payment for a thing or services specifically contracted for; rent, hire. “There must be consent, a thing let, and an agreed payment (merces) …. The merces must be certain and Justinian’s texts say that, as in sale, it must be money. But there is not the

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parent by estoppel

A man who, though not a child’s legal father, is estopped from denying liability for child support. • This estoppel usu. arises when the man (1) has lived with the child for at least two years, (2) has believed in good faith that he was the child’s father, (3) has accepted parental responsibilities, and (4)

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understanding n. (1)理解;了解 (2)解释;协定;协议;非正式协定 在合同法中,是指由另一书面或口头协议中明确的条款所产生的默示协议。尽管它有时被用作「agreement」的同义语,但它通常是指一种默示的和非正式的协议。而且其作为术语是模稜两可的,除非当事人有其他的表述明显表明其就相关的事务达成了合意,并意图受此约束。

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