Search Results for: RULE, THE

guest statute

guest statute. A law that bars a nonpaying passenger in a noncommercial vehicle from suing the host-driver for damages resulting from the driver’s ordinary negligence. • Though once common, guest statutes remain in force in only a few states. — Also termed automobile-guest statute. Cf. FAMILY-PURPOSE RULE . [Cases: Automobiles 181. C.J.S. Motor Vehicles § […]

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good health

good health. Insurance. A state of reasonable healthiness; a state of health free from serious disease. • Good health, a phrase often appearing in life-insurance policies, does not mean perfect health. — Also termed sound health. [Cases: Insurance 1758, 3003(8). C.J.S. Insurance § 314.] “As used in policies of insurance, there is no material difference

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disclaim v. 弃权;放弃 指放弃对一项权利,一项权益或一个职位的请求或拒绝接受对其的授予。1在出租与承租的法律上,放弃特指承租人断绝与出租人的租赁关系的行为。2一个遗嘱的执行人〔executor〕可以在遗嘱检验〔probate〕之前,放弃其执行人身份。如果一个遗嘱执行人在自己的遗嘱中委托另一个人做自己的遗嘱执行人,那么该第二遗嘱执行人也可以在遗嘱检验之前,放弃做第一立遗嘱人〔testator〕的执行人之责任。但是在他认证和确认了他的立遗嘱人的遗嘱之后,他就不可以放弃这一责任。因为这时他已成为他的立遗嘱人的完全的执行者,包括行使对于第一立遗嘱人的执行职责。 遗嘱执行的放弃 3一个尚未接受信托的受托人可以放弃信托责任,但是如果他把自己的信托权转给另一位共同受托人,就意味着他接受了这种信托责任。4一个拥有完全所有权的地产所有人可以采用契据、记录或行为的方式放弃,契据是最好的弃权的证据。5如果一个人获得了一项发明专利,这项专利的名称与特征不符,或者这项发明的一部分既不新颖,又无实用,严格地说这项发明专利无效。但是依据英国1949年的专利法,专利权人〔patentee〕在此种情况下,经专利局长〔comptroller〕批准,请求放弃其专利中之特征的任何一部分,这个弃权文件随后可以被当作整个专利特许证〔letters patent〕或专利特征中之一部分,因而使得这项专利在今后可以获得法律上的有效性。6如果破产后的财产属于那些繁重的合同义务的土地,不可出售的公司股份,没有利润的合同,或者因为具有种种限定而无法转卖的财产(这些限定的原因可能是需要履行繁重的义务,或需要支付巨额的金钱),在这种情况下破产的受托人〔trustee in bankruptcy〕可以签署一项文件放弃该项财产。该弃权行为对于根据财产的特征终止合约、放弃租约、抛却股份、了断破产的产业和利益都是有效的。但是对于租约的放弃,除非根据1952年《破产规则》〔Bankruptcy Rules〕中的特别规定,否则须事先取得法院的批准。在英格兰,法律也赋予了在公司清算中的清算人〔liquidator〕同样的放弃破产财产的权利。

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state street bank

State Street Bank. Patents. A landmark 1998 decision in the Federal Circuit that made it easier to get patents on computer software, and also called into question the long-accepted notion that business methods are unpatentable. • The court struck down per se rules against patenting mathematical algorithms (the soul of software), focusing instead on whether

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manerium (m[schwa]-neer-ee-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin, fr. Latin manere “to remain”] Hist. A manor. “The term manerium seems to have come in with the Conqueror, though other derivatives from the Latin verb manere, in particular mansa, mansio, mansiuncula had been freely employed by the scribes of the land-books. But these had as a rule been used

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continuity (kon-ti-n[y]oo-[schwa]-tee). 1. Int’l law. The principle that upheavals and revolutions within a country — as well as changes in governmental forms, the extent of a country’s territory, and measures taken during a military occupation — do not affect the existence of the country and therefore cannot lead to its extinction. 2. Patents. The rule

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practice of law

The professional work of a duly licensed lawyer, encompassing a broad range of services such as conducting cases in court, preparing papers necessary to bring about various transactions from conveying land to effecting corporate mergers, preparing legal opinions on various points of law, drafting wills and other estate-planning documents, and advising clients on legal questions.

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