Search Results for: CHANCER


hospitia (hah-spish-ee-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Inns. hospitia cancellariae (kan-s[schwa]-lair-ee-I). Inns of chancery. hospitia communia (k[schwa]-myoo-nee-[schwa]). Common inns. hospitia curiae (kyoor-ee-I). Inns of court.

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Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division

Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division 〈英〉遗嘱检验、离婚与海事分庭 1875年由遗嘱检验法院〔Court of Probate〕、婚姻案件法院〔Court for Matrimonial Causes〕及高等海事法院〔High Court of Admiralty〕合并而成,为高等法院〔High Court of Justice〕的组成部分。1971年改名为家事分庭〔Family Division〕,其海事管辖权转归王座分庭〔Queen’s Bench Division〕,遗嘱检验管辖权转归衡平分庭〔Chancery Division〕。

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six clerks

Six Clerks. Hist. A collective name for the clerks of the English Court of Chancery who filed pleadings and other papers. • The office was abolished in 1842, and its duties transferred to the Clerk of Enrollments in Chancery and to the Clerks of Records and Writs.

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complainant (k[schwa]m-playn-[schwa]nt). 1. The party who brings a legal complaint against another; esp., the plaintiff in a court of equity or, more modernly, a civil suit. “A suit in equity, under the procedure of the English Court of Chancery, which was generally adopted in the American States prior to the code, is instituted by the

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moot a. (1)非实际的;假设的 (2)可争论的;未决的 v. (3)争论;辩论 (4)使失去实际意义;使成为纯理论性的 (5)提供争论 n. 〈英〉 (6) (古)民会 旧时英格兰市、镇或郡的自由民为处理司法或行政问题而举行的集会。 (7)(=moot case) (8)模拟案件辩论会 旧时四大律师公会〔Inns of Court〕的学生对模拟案件进行诉讼辩论的练习活动。在预备律师公会〔Inns of Chancery〕作为教育机构存在期间也曾举办过此种活动。 (9)供争辩的主题

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Leges Romanae Barbarorum

Leges Romanae Barbarorum 蛮族罗马法 指日耳曼诸国国王自5世纪中叶起为其罗马血统的臣民颁布的法典的总称。它由《勃艮第罗马法》〔Lex Romana Burgundionum〕、《库里恩罗马法》〔Lex Romana Curiensis〕、《西哥特罗马法》〔Lex Romana Visigothorum〕等组成。起初,这些法典适用于罗马臣民,与适用于日耳曼臣民的法典相区别。但是,后来两者趋于合并。这种罗马法与经典罗马法〔classical Roman law〕相比显得粗俗、简陋和原始。这些法律由懂得一些罗马法的教士及俗人起草,但受到皇家文秘署〔royal chancery〕的影响。

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