Search Results for: CHANCER


adsessor (ad-ses-[schwa]r), n. [Latin] 1. Roman law. A legally qualified assistant or adviser to a judge. 2. Hist. Assessor. • This was a title of a master in chancery. — Also spelled assessor.

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legal title

A title that evidences apparent ownership but does not necessarily signify full and complete title or a beneficial interest. • Before the Statute of Uses (1536), a legal title was enforceable only in a court of law, not chancery. Cf. equitable title. [Cases: Vendor and Purchaser 54. C.J.S. Vendor and Purchaser §§ 145–146.]

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Inrollments of Acts of Parliament

Inrollments of Acts of Parliament 〈英〉《议会法律刊录》1483年以后(但1642年至1660年间除外),英格兰和不列颠制定法的原本权威典籍,包括经确认并送交文秘署〔Chancery〕的议会法律。1849年之前,所有议会法律均誊抄在羊皮纸上,由议会书记官〔Clerk of the Parliaments〕签署并确认,与其他档案一并存放于议会档案馆〔Rolls Chapel〕。自1849年起,由国家印刷局〔Queen’s Printer〕用仿羊皮纸印刷每一份议会法律,一式两份,经议会两院的官员〔Officers〕核证后,一份存放于上议院〔House of Lord〕,一份存放于国家档案馆〔Public Record Office〕。

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half seal

half-seal. Hist. A seal used in the Court of Chancery to mark commissions to the Court of Delegates on the appeal of an ecclesiastical or maritime case. • The use of the seal ended when the Court of Delegates was abolished in 1832. See COURT OF DELEGATES.

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provincial courts

provincial courts 〈英〉教省法院 设于坎特伯雷〔Canterbury〕与约克〔York〕两教省的教会法院,亦称首主教法院〔courts of primates〕,包括坎特伯雷教省的拱顶法院〔Court of Arches〕、主教总代理法院〔Court of the Vicar-General〕、大主教特许主事官法院〔Court of the Master of the Faculties〕、大主教代理法院〔Court of the Commissary of the Archbishop〕、大主教亲审法院〔Court of Audience〕和特殊堂区法院〔Court of Peculiars〕,以及约克教省的约克最高法院或约克教省法院〔Supreme Court or Chancery Court of York〕、主教法院〔Consistory Court〕及大主教亲审法院。

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brieve. Hist. Scots law. A chancery writ ordering that a trial be held on the matters specified in the writ. • By the late 20th century, brieves were rarely used except in proceedings to appoint a curator for an incompetent person.

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writ of Summons to Parliament

writ of Summons to Parliament 召至议会令 约13世纪时在英格兰确立了那些被召唤至议会中给国王作顾问者必须为获男爵封号的人的惯例。因此,收到召至议会令且就职者即获得了世袭权;由这种令状产生的男爵被认可。理查二世〔Richard Ⅱ〕引进了现在使用的产生男爵的通常方式,即通过盖有国玺〔Great Seal〕的开封特许状〔letters patent〕产生。然而,贵族院〔House of Lords〕的议员们,无论是神职议员还是世俗议员,仍然收到由御前大臣署的王室书记官长〔Clerk of the Crown in Chancery〕代表女王签发的召至一个新成立议会的令状。

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chancellor, n. 1. A judge serving on a court of chancery. 2. A university president or CEO of an institution of higher education. 3. In the U.S., a judge in some courts of chancery or equity. 4. Scots law. The presiding juror. 5. Eccles. law. A law officer who presides over the bishop’s court. •

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