Search Results for: GREE

mutual assent

Agreement by both parties to a contract, usu. in the form of offer and acceptance. • In modern contract law, mutual assent is determined by an objective standard — that is, by the apparent intention of the parties as manifested by their actions. Cf. MEETING OF THE MINDS. [Cases: Contracts 15. C.J.S. Con-tracts §§ 35–36,

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pierringer release

Pierringer release. A release agreement in which the plaintiff releases a codefendant but reserves the right to proceed against the other defendants. • Under this release, the plaintiff agrees to reduce the claim against the remaining defendants by the amount of consideration paid for the release. The term derives from Pierringer v. Hoger, 124 N.W.2d

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bachelor. 1. An unmarried man. 2. The usual title of the first degree that is conferred on a university graduate. 3. English law. A member of one of the orders of chivalry, such as the Order of the Bath. — Also termed (in sense 3) knight bachelor.

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scale, n. 1. A progression of degrees; esp., a range of wage rates. 2. A wage according to a range of rates. 3. An instrument for weighing. 4. Hist. In the practice of the English Supreme Court of Judicature, the fee charged by a solicitor for a particular type of case. • Unless the court

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daubert test

Daubert test. A method that federal district courts use to determine whether expert testimony is admissible under Federal Rule of Evidence 702, which generally requires that expert testimony consist of scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge that will assist the fact-finder in understanding the evidence or determining a fact in issue. • In its role

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in proximo gradu

in proximo gradu (in prok-s[schwa]-moh gray-d[y]oo). [Latin] Roman law. In the nearest degree. • The phrase appeared in reference to a child’s relationship to the father or to a grandchild’s relation to a grandfather if the grandchild represented his or her deceased father. See PER STIRPES.

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