Search Results for: GREE


scienter (sI-en-t[schwa]r or see-), n. [Latin “knowingly”] 1. A degree of knowledge that makes a person legally responsible for the consequences of his or her act or omission; the fact of an act’s having been done knowingly, esp. as a ground for civil damages or criminal punishment. See KNOWLEDGE; MENS REA . [Cases: Criminal Law […]

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syndicus (sin-di-k[schwa]s), n. [Latin “advocate” fr. Greek syn- “with” + dike “lawsuit”] Roman law. One chosen (by a corporate body such as a municipality, college, etc.) to represent it at law. See SYNDIC.

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joint venture

A business undertaking by two or more persons engaged in a single defined project. • The necessary elements are: (1) an express or implied agreement; (2) a common purpose that the group intends to carry out; (3) shared profits and losses; and (4) each member’s equal voice in controlling the project. — Also termed joint

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governmental plan

Under ERISA, an employee benefit plan established or maintained for its employees by the federal government, state or local governments, or their agencies or instrumentalities. 29 USCA § 1002(32). • If a collective-bargaining agreement between a labor union and a governmental entity includes a benefit plan, that plan may be a governmental plan if it

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holdback, n. An amount withheld from the full payment of a contract pending the other party’s completion of some obligation, esp. to ensure that a contractor finishes the work agreed on beforehand. • The terms of a holdback are typically expressed in the contract. The device gives the contractor an incentive to finish the work,

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sign, vb. 1. To identify (a record) by means of a signature, mark, or other symbol with the intent to authenticate it as an act or agreement of the person identifying it (both parties signed the contract). 2. To agree with or join (the commissioner signed on for a four-year term).

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