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rule 11

Rule 11. Civil procedure. 1. In federal practice, the procedural rule requiring the attorney of record or the party (if not represented by an attorney) to sign all pleadings, motions, and other papers filed with the court and — by this signing — to represent that the paper is filed in good faith after an

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vigilance. Watchfulness; precaution; a proper degree of activity and promptness in pursuing one’s rights, in guarding them from infraction, and in discovering opportunities for enforcing one’s lawful claims and demands.

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compounder (kom- or k[schwa]m-pown-d[schwa]r). 1. One who settles a dispute; the maker of a com-position. — Also termed amicable compounder. See COMPOSITION(1). 2. One who knows of a crime by another and agrees, for a promised or received reward, not to prosecute.

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sustain, vb. 1. To support or maintain, esp. over a long period (enough oxygen to sustain life). 2. To nourish and encourage; lend strength to (she helped sustain the criminal enterprise). 3. To undergo; suffer (Charles sustained third-degree burns). 4. (Of a court) to uphold or rule in favor of (objection sustained). 5. To substantiate

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conventional law

conventional law. A rule or system of rules agreed on by persons for the regulation of their conduct toward one another; law constituted by agreement as having the force of special law between the parties, by either supple-menting or replacing the general law of the land. • The most important example is conventional international law,

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life insurance

An agreement between an insurance company and the policyholder to pay a specified amount to a designated beneficiary on the insured’s death. — Also termed (in Britain) assurance. See ASSURANCE(2). [Cases: Insurance 1011. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 10–14.]

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