Search Results for: RULE, THE

call to order

Parliamentary law. 1. The chair’s declaration that a deliberative assembly has properly convened and is ready for business. — Also termed convocation. 2. The chair’s request that a member follow the applicable rules or observe appropriate decorum. See DECORUM.

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conformity act

Conformity Act. Hist. An 1872 federal statute providing that the practice and procedure in federal district courts (other than in equity and admiralty matters) must conform to the practice and procedure used by the state courts for like cases. • The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (effective in 1938) superseded the Conformity Act. “[E]ven where

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substantial capacity test

substantial capacity test (刑法)实际能力标准 又称实际能力规则。这一规则是美国《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕提供的检验精神病的标准。模范刑法典规定:「由于精神疾病或精神缺陷被告人缺乏识别其行为的犯罪性或缺乏使其行为符合法律要求的实际能力,则被告人对其犯罪行为不负刑事责任。」该标准是在姆纳顿规则〔M’Naghten rule〕和不能控制标准〔irresistable impulse test〕基础上发展建立起来的,目前为美国大多数学术界和司法界人士所接受和赞同。

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bill of particulars

bill of particulars 详情诉状 在美国民事诉讼中,指原告详细列明其诉讼请求及有关解释说明的文书。它通常是应被告的请求提交的,目的在于向被告提供有关原告诉因的详细信息,以帮助被告提交答辩和为庭审作准备。现在联邦及采用《民事诉讼规则》〔Rules of Civil Procedure〕的州的民事诉讼中,详情诉状已为各种披露程序〔discovery devices〕及作更详尽说明的申请〔motion for more definite statement〕所取代。在刑事诉讼中,详情诉状是控诉方应被告人的要求提交的详细说明其指控被告人犯罪所依据的事实(如犯罪的时间、地点、方式、手段等情况)的文书,目的在于告知被告人受指控的罪行,以利其作辩护准备,同时它也是被告人发现指控存在缺陷的途径之一。在英国,详情诉状仅指民事诉讼中原告对其在传票〔summons〕中所述诉讼请求作补充和详细说明的文书。现在称为诉讼请求详述〔particulars of claim〕。

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office of the comptroller of the currency

Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. An office in the U.S. Department of the Treasury responsible for regulating approximately 2,600 national banks by examining them; approving or denying applications for bank charters, branches, or mergers; closing banks that fail to follow rules and regulations; and regulating banking practices. — Abbr. OCC.

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no duty doctrine

no-duty doctrine. Torts. 1. The rule that a defendant who owes no duty to the plaintiff is not liable for the plaintiff’s injury. 2. The rule that the owner or possessor of property has no duty to warn or protect an invitee from known or obvious hazards. [Cases: Negligence 1037(4). C.J.S. Negligence §§ 469–471, 487,

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capricious (k[schwa]-prish-[schwa]s), adj. 1. (Of a person) characterized by or guided by unpredictable or impulsive behavior. 2. (Of a decree) contrary to the evidence or established rules of law. Cf. ARBITRARY.

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legal positivism

legal positivism, n. The theory that legal rules are valid only because they are enacted by an existing political authority or accepted as binding in a given society, not because they are grounded in morality or in natural law. • Legal positivism has been espoused by such scholars as H.L.A. Hart. See POSITIVE LAW. Cf.

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