Search Results for: REO

director of the united states patent and trademark office

Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The presidential appointee in charge of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. • Until a 2000 reorganization, the PTO chief was the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks. The Director is also the Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property. — Formerly termed Commissioner of Patents and […]

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stamp duty

stamp duty. Hist. A tax raised by requiring stamps sold by the government to be affixed to designated documents, thus forming part of the perpetual revenue. See stamp tax under TAX. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4390–4409; Taxation 105. 5. C.J.S. Taxation §§ 167, 1681–1692.] “A fifth branch of the perpetual revenue consists in the stamp duties,

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corody (kor- orkahr-[schwa]-dee). Hist. An allowance of money, accommodation, food, or clothing given by a religious house to any person who signed over personal or real property or both in exchange or to a royal servant at the Crown’s request. • The amount of property required from a person who purchased a corody depended on

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bankruptcy plan

bankruptcy plan. A detailed program of action formulated by a debtor or its creditors to govern the debtor’s rehabilitation, continued operation or liquidation, and payment of debts. • The bankruptcy court must approve the plan before it is implemented. — Often shortened to plan. — Also termed plan of reorganization (for Chapter 11); plan of

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town. 1. A center of population that is larger and more fully developed than a village, but that (traditionally speaking) is not incorporated as a city. [Cases: Towns 1. C.J.S. Towns §§ 2–5.] 2. The territory within which this population lives. 3. Collectively, the people who live within this territory. Cf. CITY. “A town is

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affray ([schwa]-fray). The fighting, by mutual consent, of two or more persons in some public place, to the terror of onlookers. • The fighting must be mutual. If one person unlawfully attacks another who resorts to self-defense, the first is guilty of assault and battery, but there is no affray. — Also termed fray. Cf.

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chapter 11

Chapter 11. 1. The chapter of the United States Bankruptcy Code allowing an insolvent business, or one that is threatened with insolvency, to reorganize its capital structure under court supervision (and subject to creditor approval) while continuing its normal operations. • Although the Code permits individual nonbusiness debtors to use Chapter 11, the vast majority

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environmental protection agency

Environmental Protection Agency. An independent federal agency in the executive branch responsible for setting pollution-control standards in the areas of air, water, solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic materials; enforcing laws enacted to protect the environment; and coordinating the antipollution efforts of state and local governments. • The commission was created by Reorganization Plan No.

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