Search Results for: REO

born valid

born valid. Patents. Presumed to be good; entitled to the legal presumption that a patent was justified when issued and that challengers bear the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence that the patent should not have been granted. • Defenses against infringement claims take one of three tacks: denying that the product infringes […]

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fidejussor (fI-dee-j[schwa]s-or or -j[schwa]s-[schwa]r). 1. Roman law. (ital.) A guarantor; a person who binds himself to pay another’s debt. 2. Hist. Maritime law. A person who acts as bail for a defendant in the Court of Admiralty. — Also spelled fideiussor. Cf. ADPROMISSOR. — fidejussory, adj. “The proceedings of the court of admiralty bear much

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correal (kor-ee-[schwa]l or k[schwa]-ree-[schwa]l), adj. [fr. Latin correus “codebtor”] Roman law. Of or relating to liability that is joint and several. • A correal debtor who paid an entire obligation had no right of action against a codebtor. See CORREUS; SOLIDARY. “If Aulus, having first obtained from Titius the promise of a hundred aurei, turned

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testatum (tes-tay-t[schwa]m). [Latin “attested”] Hist. A writ issued in a county where a defendant or a defendant’s property is located when venue lies in another county. • This writ, when issued after a ground writ, allowed the seizure of the defendant or the defendant’s property in another county. — Also termed testatum bill; testatum writ;

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inde (in-dee), adv. [Latin] Hist. Thence; thereof. • This word appeared in several Latin phrases, such as quod eat inde sine die (“that he go thence without day”).

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department of health and human services

Department of Health and Human Services. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for matters of health, welfare, and income security. • It was originally established by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 under the title Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The Department is headed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

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ex turpi causa

ex turpi causa (eks t[schwa]r-pIkaw-z[schwa]). [Latin] From an immoral consideration. • This phrase, a shortened form of the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio (“from an immoral consideration an action does not arise”), expresses the principle that a party does not have a right to enforce performance of an agreement founded on a consideration

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national oceanic and atmospheric administration

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A unit in the U.S. Department of Commerce responsible for monitoring the environment in order to make accurate and timely weather forecasts and to protect life, property, and the environment. • It was established in 1970 under Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1970 and operates through several agencies: the National

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General Land Office

General Land Office 〈美〉土地总局 原依据1812年国会的法令组建,系内政部〔Department of the Interior〕的一个部门,主管与公共土地有关的一切行政活动,包括对土地的测量、出售或其他处置、特许使用等。根据1946年的《重组计划》〔Reorganization Plan〕,土地总局和美国草原局〔U.S. Grazing Service〕并入内政部下属的国家土地管理局〔Bureau of Land Management〕。 (→Bureau of Land Management)

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