Search Results for: RULE, THE

deliberative assembly

Parliamentary law. A body that transacts business according to parliamentary law. • A deliberative assembly typically has several distinctive characteristics: (1) it is a group of people who meet all together to propose, discuss, and possibly vote on courses of action to be undertaken in the group’s name; (2) participants are free to use their […]

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bill for a new trial

bill for a new trial 请求重新审理的诉状 指由于存在某些事实会使得判决的执行造成不公正,从而请求禁止执行该判决并对案件重新审理的一种衡平法上的诉状,但作为请求根据的事实必须是因为存在欺诈或者意外事件而使得一方当事人在审判时不知道或者无法得知的情况。现在美国采用《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕的州或司法区中,此诉状已为重新审理的申请〔motion for new trial〕取代。

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double hearsay

double hearsay 再传闻;多重传闻 即传闻的传闻。在英美证据法上,传闻证据一般是不可采纳的,但有例外情况。如已死亡的人在死前根据其亲身经历所作的陈述,即为可采信的传闻。但是,如果该陈述不是死者根据其亲身经历所作的,而是从别人处听来的,该陈述即为再传闻。根据美国《联邦证据规则》〔Federal Rules of Evidence〕,对传闻中的传闻,如果符合传闻规则的例外情况,可以不予排除。未作证〔non-testifying〕的共谋者对被告人在法庭外所作供认〔admission〕的复述也是再传闻。

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escheat (es-cheet), n. 1. Hist. The reversion of land ownership back to the lord when the immediate tenant dies without heirs. See WRIT OF ESCHEAT. 2. Reversion of property (esp. real property) to the state upon the death of an owner who has neither a will nor any legal heirs. [Cases: Escheat 1–8. C.J.S. Escheat

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stipulatio sponsalitia

stipulatio sponsalitia (stip-y[schwa]-lay-shee-oh spon-s[schwa]-lish-ee-[ schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. In early law, a solemn promise by a father (paterfamilias) that his child would marry someone else’s child. • In some cases, there was a penalty if the marriage did not occur. In classical and later Roman law, in which free marriage was the rule, such a

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WESTLAW/WL 韦氏法律文献计算机检索系统 为韦氏集团〔West Group〕的一个计算机辅助法律检索数据库,提供法律文献的在线检索。1975年,韦氏出版公司〔West Publishing Company〕(现称韦氏集团〔West Group〕)的法律文献数据库仅由摘要〔headnotes〕组成,这些摘要按韦氏公司自己的钥匙号或主题排列顺序分类。1978年,韦氏公司开始将法官意见书〔opinion〕的全文收录进去。其范围包括在韦氏公司的全国判例汇编系统〔National Reporter System〕中所报道的意见书,即从1961年到现在所有联邦法院的判决,及从1967年到现在所有州上诉法院的判决。关于联邦判例法的文献中包括韦氏公司的《最高法院判例汇编》〔Supreme Court Reporter〕、《联邦法院判例汇编》〔Federal Reporter〕、《联邦法院判例补编》〔Federal Supplement〕及《联邦规则判例汇编》〔Federal Rules Decisions〕中的全部内容。目前,该数据库收录的法律文献除判例法外,还包括制定法、行政法规和法律期刊。在检索时,一次只能查阅一份文献。检索方法也很灵活,而不是固定不变的,根据描述词〔descriptive words〕、主题/钥匙号、判例的名称或援引〔citation〕、法院规则或自然语言〔natural language〕均可查找到文献。检索或显示的信息由计算机根据每一文件中不同查询术语〔search terms〕的发生频率来排列。当查询者发现相关的援引被显示时,他可以1使用全国判例汇编系统相关卷册的复印文本〔hard copy〕来阅读判例;2调出终端上的全文;或3要求打印该判例。

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waive (wayv), n. Archaic. A woman who has by her conduct deprived herself of the protection of the law; a female outlaw. • The term “outlaw” usu. referred only to a male. See OUTLAW(1), (2). waive, vb. 1. To abandon, renounce, or surrender (a claim, privilege, right, etc.); to give up (a right or claim)

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polygamy (p[schwa]-lig-[schwa]-mee), n. 1. The state or practice of having more than one spouse simultaneously. — Also termed simultaneous polygamy; plural marriage. [Cases: Bigamy 1. C.J.S. Bigamy §§ 2–6, 8.] 2. Hist. The fact or practice of having more than one spouse during one’s lifetime, though never simultaneously. • Until the third century, polygamy included

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