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dispatch (di-spachalsodis-pach), n. 1. A prompt sending off of something (a dispatch of the letter agreement). 2. A prompt completion of something ( dispatch of a business transaction). 3. Something quickly sent (the dispatch was mailed). 4. Maritime law. The required diligence in discharging cargo ( dispatch is required on all charters). [Cases: Shipping 49(6).C.J.S. […]

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yield, n. Profit expressed as a percentage of the investment. — Also termed yield on investment; return. See RATE OF RETURN. coupon yield. The annual interest paid on a security (esp. a bond) divided by the security’s par value. — Also termed nominal yield. current yield. The annual interest paid on a security (esp. a

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counterclaim n. 反诉;反请求 指在已经开始的诉讼中的被告通过法院向本案原告提出的一项独立的请求,以代替就该请求对原告另外提起一项单独的诉讼。在英国,被告要提出反诉时,可在其答辩状中对作为其反诉请求根据的事实另加陈述,并提出其请求法院给予的救济。被告反诉的被告不限于原告,还可以包括应与原告一起就本诉标的向其承担责任的其他人。另外,原告对被告的反诉在一定条件下还可以再提出反诉。法院可以对本诉和反诉一并作出判决,但如果对反诉难以和本诉一并作出处理时,法院可予驳回,这种情况下,被告必须另外提起交叉诉讼〔cross action〕。在美国,《联邦民事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Civil Procedure〕第13条对反诉作了具体规定。反诉可以由本诉的一名或数名被告或者被告所代表的人对本诉的一名或数名原告或者原告所代表的人或者原告和被认为应与原告一起承担责任的人提起。反诉一旦成立,将会抵销或降低原告的请求。在联邦和大多数州,反诉分为两种:1强制性反诉〔compulsory counterclaim〕,即当被告对原告的请求与原告在本诉中的请求有逻辑关系,且是基于同一事项而产生的时,被告必须在原告提起的诉讼中提出反诉,否则,在本诉判决生效后,被告将丧失另行起诉的权利,但有例外;2选择性反诉〔permissive counterclaim〕,即如果被告对原告的请求与原告在本诉中的请求不是基于同一事项而产生的时,被告可以自行选择是否提出反诉。 (→cross-claim; cross(-)action)

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battle of the forms

battle of the forms 标准条款之间的冲突;格式之战 在合同缔结过程中,双方当事人所交换的标准格式条款之间发生的冲突。尤指一方当事人以另一种形式作出承诺或确认书,从而与要约产生不一致。为解决这一冲突,英美法国家放弃了普通法要求的「镜像规则」〔mirror-image rule〕,转而规定承诺中含有附带条款的,一般亦属有效。

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lex loci delicti

lex loci delicti (leks loh-sI d[schwa]-lik-tI). [Latin] The law of the place where the tort or other wrong was committed. — Often shortened to lex delicti. — Also termed lex loci delictus; lex loci delicti commissi; place-of-wrong rule; place-of-wrong law. Cf. LOCUS DELICTI. [Cases: Negligence 204; Torts 2. C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace § 272; Conflict

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field code

Field Code. The New York Code of Procedure of 1848, which was the first comprehensive Anglo-American code of civil procedure and served as a model for the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. • It was drafted by David Dudley Field (1805–1894), a major law-reformer. See code pleading under PLEADING (2).

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gradual method

gradual method. An intestate-inheritance scheme that gives priority to relatives who are nearest in degree of consanguinity. • This method dates back to the English Statute of Distributions (1670). Cf. PARENTELIC METHOD; UNIVERSAL INHERITANCE RULE.

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arrest of judgment

arrest of judgment 中止判决 在美国,指在民事诉讼中或在刑事诉讼中陪审团作出裁断后,由于出现了某种固有的原因而致使如果法官作出判决将导致该判决错误或可被推翻,法官得自动停止或拒绝作出判决。依《联邦刑事诉讼规则》〔Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure〕,如果起诉书未指控某一罪行或法院对指控的罪行无管辖权,法官依被告人的申请亦可中止判决。在英国,中止判决仅存在于刑事诉讼中,被告人在被定罪后、判刑前,可以起诉书存在缺陷或案卷中存在其它不正当之情形为由申请法官中止判决;法官如认为起诉书并未揭示法律上的某一罪行时,也可主动中止判决。中止判决后应将被告开释;但中止判决并不阻碍重新提出控诉。

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respondent bank

A bank, association, or other entity that exercises fiduciary powers, that holds securities on behalf of beneficial owners, and that deposits the securities for safekeeping with another bank, association, or other entity exercising fiduciary powers. SEC Rule 14a-1(k) (17 CFR § 240.14a-1(k)).

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