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insanity defense

insanity defense. Criminal law. An affirmative defense alleging that a mental disorder caused the accused to commit the crime. See 18 USCA § 17; Fed. R. Crim. P. 12. 2. • Unlike other defenses, a successful insanity defense may not result in in acquittal but instead in a special verdict (“not guilty by reason of

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intoxication, n. A diminished ability to act with full mental and physical capabilities because of alcohol or drug consumption; drunkenness. See Model Penal Code § 2.08. [Cases: Criminal Law 52–57; Homicide 821; Negligence 239, 535(14). C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 109–113; Negligence §§ 128–129, 252.] — intoxicate, vb. culpable intoxication. See voluntary intoxication. involuntary intoxication. The

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recoupment n. (1)扣除;扣减;减少 在诉讼中,被告提出由于原告未履行合同中的交叉义务或违反同一合同中的其它条款而扣减原告请求的损失赔偿额。它与反诉〔counterclaim〕不同,扣减只能减少原告所请求的金额,不能要求原告作出赔偿。它与「抵销」〔set-off〕也不同,抵销是由于其它事由而产生的被告对原告的请求。 (2)(被告的)扣除权;扣减权 被告以原告在同一交易中亦存在违约行为为由而有权扣减原告所提出的损失赔偿额。 (3)扣除权抗辩;扣减权抗辩 被告以原告在同一交易中也存在违约行为而提出的一种肯定性答辩〔affirmative defense〕。 (4)恢复;取回;补偿 (5)(古)(基于同一交易的)反诉 指从本诉所依据的同一交易中所产生的一种反诉〔courterclaim〕,但现在已被强制反诉〔compulsory counterclaim〕所取代。

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anomalous plea

An equitable plea consisting in both affirmative and negative matter. • That is, it is partly confession and avoidance and partly traverse. The plea is appropriate when the plaintiff, in the bill, has anticipated the plea, and the defendant then traverses the anticipatory matters. — Also termed plea not pure. Cf. pure plea.

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joyriding, n. The illegal driving of someone else’s automobile without permission, but with no intent to deprive the owner of it permanently. • Under the Model Penal Code, the offender’s reasonable belief that the owner would have consented is an affirmative defense. See Model Penal Code § 223. 9. — Also termed unauthorized use of

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corroboration (k[schwa]-rob-[schwa]-ray-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. Confirmation or support by additional evidence or authority (corroboration of the witness’s testimony). [Cases: Witnesses 410–416. C.J.S. Wit-nesses §§ 776–787.] 2. Formal confirmation or ratification (corroboration of the treaty). — corroborate, vb. — corroborative (k[schwa]-rob-[schwa]-r[ schwa]-tiv), adj. — corroborator (k[schwa]-rob-[schwa]-ray-t[schwa]r), n.

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negative, adj. 1. Of or relating to something bad; not positive (a negative attitude). 2. Of or relating to refusal of consent; not affirmative (a negative answer). negative, n. 1. A word or phrase of denial or refusal (“no” and “not” are negatives). 2. A word expressing the opposite of the positive (two negatives and

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