Search Results for: RULE, THE


legalism, n. 1. Formalism carried almost to the point of meaninglessness; an inclination to exalt the importance of law or formulated rules in any area of action. “What is legalism? It is the ethical attitude that holds moral conduct to be a matter of rule following, and moral relationships to consist of duties and rights

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pierringer release

Pierringer release. A release agreement in which the plaintiff releases a codefendant but reserves the right to proceed against the other defendants. • Under this release, the plaintiff agrees to reduce the claim against the remaining defendants by the amount of consideration paid for the release. The term derives from Pierringer v. Hoger, 124 N.W.2d

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duplicate n. (1)原件复本 指用一定的技术手段作成的与原件内容完全相同,而且通常是与原件同时作成的原件的复本。在原件丢失或毁损时,该复本可以替代原件作证据之用,与原件具有同样的法律地位和效力。因此,在这个意义上,它与duplicate original同义。在用作证据方面,它与纯粹的副本〔copy〕不同,后者适用最佳证据规则〔best evidence rule〕,而duplicate不适用。 (2) 〈英〉御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕颁发的第二份公开令状〔letters patent〕 (3)抄本;摹本;配对物

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qualified domestic relations order

qualified domestic-relations order. A state-court order or judgment that relates to alimony, child support, or some other state domestic-relations matter and that (1) recognizes or provides for an alternate payee’s right to receive all or part of any benefits due a participant under a pension, profit-sharing, or other retirement benefit plan, (2) otherwise satisfies §

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commorientes (k[schwa]-mor-ee-en-teez). [fr. Latin commorior “to die together”] 1. (pl.) Persons who die at the same time, often of the same cause, such as spouses who die in an accident. [Cases: Death 5. C.J.S. Death §§ 6, 15.] 2. Civil law. The rule establishing presumptions of survivorship for purposes of succession regarding such persons. See

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