Search Results for: RULE, THE

product line exception

product-line exception. An exception from the usual rule that a successor corporation is not liable for the acts of its predecessor, arising when the successor acquired all the predecessor’s assets, held itself out as a continuation of the predecessor by producing the same product line under the same or a similar name, and benefited from […]

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double hearsay

A hearsay statement that contains further hearsay statements within it, none of which is admissible unless exceptions to the rule against hearsay can be applied to each level [the double hearsay was the investigation’s report stating that Amy admitted to running the red light].Fed. R. Evid. 805. — Also termed multiple hearsay; hearsay within hearsay.

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destructibility of contingent remainders

destructibility of contingent remainders 不确定剩余地产权的可消灭性 处理因条件不足而可能丧失未来利益的一种原则。这种可消灭的不确定的未来利益依照「反永久性规则」〔Rule Against Perpetuities〕处理,其他未来利益的可消灭性则基于授予者或现有地产的所有者的行为确定。

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recognition, n. 1. Confirmation that an act done by another person was authorized. See RATIFICATION. [Cases: Principal and Agent 170(2).C.J.S. Agency § 88.] 2. The formal admission that a person, entity, or thing has a particular status; esp. a nation’s act in formally acknowledging the existence of another nation or national government. 3. Parliamentary law.

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filed rate doctrine

filed-rate doctrine. A common-law rule forbidding a regulated entity, usu. a common carrier, to charge a rate other than the one on file with the appropriate federal regulatory authority, such as (formerly) the Interstate Commerce Commission. — Also termed filed-tariff doctrine. See TARIFF (3). [Cases: Carriers 189; Public Utilities 119. 1. C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace

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dulocracy (d[y]oo-lok-r[schwa]-see), n. [fr. Greek doulos “servant” + kratein “to rule”] A government in which servants or slaves have so many privileges that they essentially rule. — Also spelled doulocracy.

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plead over

plead over, vb. 1. To fail to notice a defective allegation in an opponent’s pleading. [Cases: Pleading 406(3), 409(3). C.J.S. Pleading §§ 829–831.] 2. Hist. To plead the general issue after a defendant has had a dilatory plea overruled. See AIDER BY PLEADING OVER.

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infraction, n. A violation, usu. of a rule or local ordinance and usu. not punishable by incarceration. See VIOLATION(1). — infract, vb. civil infraction. An act or omission that, though not a crime, is prohibited by law and is punishable. • In some states, many traffic violations are classified as civil infractions.

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