Search Results for: DAMAGE

cattle trespass

Hist. Trespass by one’s cattle or other animals on another’s land, as a result of which the other might either distrain them damage feasant or sue for trespass in the local courts. • At first (from the early 13th century) this type of trespass applied only to intentional trespass by the keeper of the cattle, […]

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eggshell skull rule

eggshell-skull rule. Torts. The principle that a defendant is liable for a plaintiff’s unforeseeable and uncommon reactions to the defendant’s negligent or intentional act. • Under this rule, for example, if one person negligently scrapes another who turns out to be a hemophiliac, the negligent defendant is liable for the full extent of the plaintiff’s

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negative causation

Securities. The defense that part of the plaintiff’s damages were caused by factors other than the depreciation in value of the securities resulting from registration-statement defects. • If negative causation is proved, the plaintiff’s damages should be reduced. 15 USCA § 77k(e). [Cases: Securities Regulation 25.21(5). C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 89.]

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inquiry. 1. Int’l law. FACT-FINDING(2). 2. Parliamentary law. A request for information, either procedural or substantive. See REQUEST; POINT(2). parliamentary inquiry. An inquiry that asks a question about procedure. 3. Hist. A writ to assess damages by the sheriff or sheriff’s deputies.

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remit, vb. 1. To pardon or forgive (the wife could not remit her husband’s infidelity). 2. To abate or slacken; to mitigate (the receipt of money damages remitted the embarrassment of being fired). 3. To refer (a matter for decision) to some authority, esp. to send back (a case) to a lower court (the appellate

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loss n. (1)损失;损害 用于此含义时,该词意义不定,多与「damage」、「detriment」、「injury」、「deprivation」等词同义。既指经济上的损失,亦指因人身伤害而导致的损害。在保险法中,保单上使用该词是指一种被丢失、破坏或毁损灭失的事实状态。在劳工赔偿法、社会保障法或残疾保险合同有关残疾利益取得的规定中,它是指部分或永久地丧失眼睛、肢体等的器官功能。 (2)损失额 常用于保险条款中,尤指诸如部分损失〔partial loss〕、全部损失〔total loss〕、实际全损〔actual total loss〕或推定全损〔constructive total loss〕等。 (3)(财务)损失;亏损 因任何原因而造成的财务上的损害,例如:供货后无法取得债务人款项;货物的售价低于成本;管理费用高于销售利润总额等。 (4)剥夺;丧失

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