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debellatio (deb-[schwa]-lay-shee-oh). [Latin] Int’l law. A means of ending a war and acquiring territory when one of the belligerent countries has been so soundly defeated that its adversary is able to decide alone the fate of the defeated country’s territory; conquest followed by annexation. — Also termed subjugation. “[There are] three possible alternative meanings of […]

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reduction to practice

reduction to practice 〈美〉(专利法)付诸实际;实现 指将发明人所构思的方法付诸有形的行为从而达到预设的结果。发明过程〔inventive process〕始于构思〔conception〕而终于付诸实际,故所谓付诸实际,亦即将发明人的构思通过实际构造而成为其实际功能形式〔working form〕。因此,就专利法而言,除非已经付诸实际,否则即不存在一项发明。美国专利法采用「先发明」〔first to invent〕原则,此有别于其他大多数国家所采用的「先申请」〔first to file〕原则,故确认某一发明是否或何时实现,在牴触审查程序〔interference proceeding〕中具有关键意义,当同一项发明有两个以上发明人申请专利时,可以此确认何者享有优先权〔priority〕。它分为两种:真实付诸实际〔actual reduction to practice〕与推定付诸实际〔constructive reduction to practice〕。前者指通过检测的方式将发明思想〔idea〕进行应用,以确认该发明思想可以达到预设目标;后者是指将发明或外观设计向专利商标局〔Patent and Trademark Office/PTO〕提出专利申请。

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local law theory

local-law theory. Conflict of laws. The view that, although a court of the forum recognizes and enforces a local right (that is, one created under its own law), in a foreign-element case it does not necessarily apply the rule that would govern an analogous case of a purely domestic character, but instead takes into account

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jeopardy assessment

An assessment by the IRS — without the usual review procedures — of additional tax owed by a taxpayer who underpaid, based on the IRS’s belief that collection of the deficiency would be jeopardized by delay. IRC (26 USCA) §§ 6811 et seq. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4548. C.J.S. Internal Revenue § 651.]

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divorce court

divorce court 〈英〉离婚法庭 全名为离婚及婚姻案件法庭〔Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes〕,1857年设立,行使前英格兰教会法院对婚姻无效及分居案件的管辖权。同年,由制定法授予批准离婚的新的管辖权,享有宣布婚姻合法和其它特定的权利。它由御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕、王座法庭和民诉法庭的首席法官、财税法庭首席法官及这三个法庭的高级法官和该离婚法庭常任法官〔Judge Ordinary〕组成。其中这些常任法官听审大部分初审案件〔cases at first instance〕。1873年的《司法组织法》取消了该法庭,其管辖权转给后来的家事法庭。 (→Court for Divorce and Matrimonial Causes)

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covert entry search warrant

A warrant authorizing law-enforcement officers to clandestinely enter private premises in the absence of the owner or occupant without prior notice, and to search the premises and collect intangible evidence, esp. photographs and eyewitness information. • Although previously used in federal criminal investigations, these types of warrants were first given express statutory authority by the

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lex claudia

lex Claudia (leks klaw-dee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A law that abolished the ancient guardianship of adult women by their male agnate relatives. • This became effective in the first century A.D. — Also termed lex Claudia de tutela.

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prime minister

prime minister (1)首相;(内阁)总理 常用大写。指议会制政府〔parliamentary government〕的行政首脑,内阁的负责人。 (2)〔P- M-〕〈英〉首相 在英国,此一用法大约可追溯至十八世纪晚期,尽管用于特定目的的如薪水和年金的制定法已认可了它的存在,但在法律上首相这个职位并不存在。理论上,应由君主钦定担任首相者,但就实际而言,是君主邀请下议院多数党领袖组成政府,作为内阁的负责人。首相是政府的行政首脑,英国首相同时也是首席财政大臣〔First Lord of the Treasury〕和文官事务大臣〔Minister for Civil Service〕。

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paternalism, n. A government’s policy or practice of taking responsibility for the individual affairs of its citizens, esp. by supplying their needs or regulating their conduct in a heavy-handed manner. — paternalistic, adj.

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