Search Results for: CONVENTIO


COGSA. 1.abbr. CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA ACT. 2. Maritime law. A country’s enactment of the inter-national convention popularly known as the Hague Rules. • The acronym is used even when the country’s statute has a different title; for example, the Canadian Carriage of Goods by Water Act is referred to as the “Canadian COGSA.”

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back door to berne

back door to Berne. Copyright. A U.S. copyright owner’s simultaneous publication of the copyrighted work in both the U.S. and Berne Convention countries in order to obtain Berne Convention protection. • This backdoor method was used before 1989, when the U.S. became a member of the Berne Convention. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 34. C.J.S.

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EPC.abbr. 1. EUROPEAN PATENT CONVENTION. 2. Engineering, procurement, and construction. See engineering, procurement, and construction contractUNDER CONTRACT.

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laws of war

laws of war. Int’l law. The body of rules and principles observed by civilized nations for the regulation of matters inherent or incidental to the conduct of a public war, such as the relations of neutrals and belligerents, blockades, captures, prizes, truces and armistices, capitulations, prisoners, and declarations of war and peace. See GENEVA CONVENTIONS

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mirror image rule

mirror-image rule. Contracts. The doctrine that the acceptance of a contractual offer must be positive, unconditional, unequivocal, and unambiguous, and must not change, add to, or qualify the terms of the offer; the common-law principle that for a contract to be formed, the terms of an acceptance must correspond exactly with those of the offer.

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