Search Results for: CONVENTIO

dommage survenu

dommage survenu (daw-mazh suur-v[schwa]-noo). [French] Damage sustained. • This is from article 17 of the Warsaw Convention providing for compensatory damages, rather than awards for loss of society or punitive damages, for bodily injury that a passenger suffers while onboard an aircraft, or while boarding or disembarking. [Cases: Carriers 307, 319. C.J.S. Aeronautics and Aerospace

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child labor

The employment of workers under the age of majority. • This term typically focuses on abusive practices such as exploitative factory work; slavery, sale, and trafficking in children; forced or compulsory labor such as debt bondage and serfdom; and the use of children in prostitution, pornography, drug-trafficking, or anything else that might jeopardize their health,

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port state control

port-state control. Maritime law. The exercise of authority under international conventions for a state to stop, board, inspect, and when necessary detain vessels sailing under foreign flags while they are navigating in the port state’s territorial waters or are in one of its ports. • The purpose is to ensure the safety of the vessels

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berlin act

Berlin Act. Copyright. A 1908 revision of the Berne Convention prohibiting formalities as a requirement for copyright protection, recommending (but not requiring) a term of protection equal to the life of the author plus 50 years, and expanding the types of works eligible for copyright protection. • Motion pictures were included in copyright protection for

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