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bill of lading/B.L./B/L

bill of lading/B.L./B/L 提单 由承运人或运输代理人签发的,表明收到其上记载的货物并同意将货物运送到其上记载的地点交付收货人或其上指定的人的书面单据。提单有以下功能:一是托运人与承运人之间存在货物运输合同的书面证明;二是承运人收到托送货物的收据;三是提单持有人在目的港提取货物的凭证。

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villeinage n. (1)农奴土地保有;维兰土地保有 封建社会土地保有形式之一,低于自由农役保有〔free socage〕,其保有条件随庄园习惯之不同而不同,但其役务之性质一般都是较低贱的〔base service;villein service〕和不确定的,不过保有者既可以是农奴,也可以是自由人。后来在贱微农役保有〔villein socage〕或特许农奴保有〔privileged villeinage〕与纯粹农奴保有〔pure villeinage〕之间产生了区别,前者是在王室保留地〔king’s demesne〕内,以履行既定的卑贱役务为条件保有土地,且只要他还能够并且愿意履行上述役务就不能将之逐出保有地;后者则是随中间领主之意愿,以履行每天加给他们的不确定的役务为条件保有土地。十四、十五世纪,固定的货币地租取代了劳役地租。当维兰土地保有人出卖其土地时,要在领主法庭对相关情况进行登记,买者同时获得一份副本,并因此被称为公簿地产保有人〔copyholder〕。1925年,农奴保有和公簿保有均被合并为农役保有。 (→serfdom) (2)维兰身份;农奴身份(→serfdom;villein)

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foreign intelligence surveillance act

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. A 1978 federal statute that established new procedures and courts to authorize electronic surveillance of foreign intelligence operations in the United States. • The Act established the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and the Foreign Intelligence Court of Review. It allows the Attorney General to obtain warrants that authorize electronic surveillance of

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bills in a set

bills in a set. A bill of lading made up of a series of independent parts, each bearing a number and providing that goods delivered against any one part voids the other parts. • Traditionally, in overseas-goods shipments, the parts of this type of bill were sent under separate cover so that if one was

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