Search Results for: CONVENTIO

bicameral legislature

bicameral legislature 两院制立法机关 由内部两院而非一院组成的立法机关。「bicameral」和「unicameral」源于拉丁语「camera」,意指院〔chamber〕。在两院制下,所有议案必须经两院通过才能成为法律。美国国会和绝大多数州立法机关皆为两院,只有内布拉斯加州〔Nebraska〕实行一院制。目前,美国国会两院制的设计是建国者在1787年费城制宪会议〔Philadelphia Convention〕大妥协〔Great Compromise〕(亦称康涅狄格妥协〔Connecticut Compromise〕)的结果,它要求参议院〔Senate〕中各州代表相等,而众议院〔House of Representatives〕代表则依各州人口按比例分配。(→bicameral system)

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primary election

primary election 〈美〉初选;预选 指政党推选公职候选人〔candidates for office〕或党代表大会代表〔delegates to a party convention〕的初步选举,依据是否有区分党派的必要,可将初选分为开门初选〔open primary〕和闭门初选〔closed primary〕两类。 (→closed primary; election)

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hypothèque (ee-poh-tek), n. French law. Hypothecation; the right vested in a creditor by the assignment to the creditor of real estate as security for a debt, whether or not accompanied by possession. • Hypothèque may be légale, as the charge that the state has over the lands of its accountants, or that a married woman

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conclude, vb. 1. To ratify or formalize (a treaty, convention, or contract) (it can be difficult to amend a contract that the parties have already concluded). 2. To bind; estop (the admissions concluded the party as a matter of law). 3. Scots law. To sign (a contract, letter, etc.) for the sale of real property.

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program. Parliamentary law. 1. An agenda for a meeting or a convention, listing the order of business and possibly including educational or social events. See AGENDA; business meeting under MEETING. 2. A speech or other presentation within a meeting offered for the assembly’s information or for the members’ education or entertainment, but not for their

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