Search Results for: NTIA


nuntiatio (n[schwa]n-shee-ay-shee-oh), n. [Latin “a declaration”] Hist. A formal declaration or protest. • A nuntiatio novi operiis was an injunction placed on the construction of a new building by the person protesting the construction. — Also spelled nunciato.

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substantial equivalent

substantial equivalent (专利法)实质等同物 指与专利产品在本质上相同之物。因此,如果两个产品是以实质相同的方法而达到实质相同的结果,从而具有实质相同的功能,则不管其在名称、形式或外观上的区分,仍可认定为实质等同物。亦作「substantial equivalent of patented device」。 (→doctrine of equivalent)

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