Search Results for: NTIA

substantial performance doctrine

substantial performance doctrine 实质履行原则 一项衡平法原则,如果合同当事人以善意之意图履行合同,其履行与合同内容并不完全相符,比如存在合同的轻微违反〔slight deviation〕,但只要该履行已经达到合同目的,则该合同仍得视为已经履行完毕,只是法院可以给予补救,对合同履行与内容之间发生的偏离给予极少量的损害赔偿。必须符合三个条件:声称实质履行的一方已经以善意努力履行其义务,其履行有益于对方,且对方已保留该利益。以上三者任缺其一,即非实质履行。

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neglegentia (neg-li-jen-shee-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Roman law. Carelessness; inattentive omission. • Neglegentia can be of varying degrees, which may or may not result in actionable liability. — Also spelled negligentia. See CULPA. Cf. DILIGENTIA. “In the sources negligentia is tantamount to culpa, and similarly graduated (magna, lata negligentia). Precision in terminology is no more to be

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preferential voting

preferential voting 选择投票制 亦作preferential system 或alternative vote。允许或要求选民对同一职位表示两种以上选择权的投票制度。具体指选民在选票上表明其对各个候选人的选择顺序,以便没有候选人所得第一顺序的票超过半数时,计算第一和第二顺序的票。如果必要,也计算第三顺序及以后顺序的票,直到有一名候选人获得绝对多数票为止。

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confidentiality, n. 1. Secrecy; the state of having the dissemination of certain information restricted. 2. The relation between lawyer and client or guardian and ward, or between spouses, with regard to the trust that is placed in the one by the other. [Cases: Witnesses 184–223. C.J.S. Witnesses §§ 297–389.]

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