Search Results for: END LINES


corner, n. 1. The common end of two survey lines; an angle made by two boundary lines. [Cases: Boundaries 7. C.J.S. Boundaries §§ 10–13.] existent corner. A corner whose location can be verified by an original landmark, a surveyor’s field notes, or other reliable evidence. lost corner. A point in a land description, such as

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punitive damages

Damages awarded in addition to actual damages when the defendant acted with recklessness, malice, or deceit; specif., damages assessed by way of penalizing the wrongdoer or making an example to others. • Punitive damages, which are intended to punish and thereby deter blameworthy conduct, are generally not recoverable for breach of contract. The Supreme Court

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equitable distribution

equitable distribution. Family law. The division of marital property by a court in a divorce proceeding, under statutory guidelines that provide for a fair, but not necessarily equal, allocation of the property between the spouses. • With equitable distribution, when a marriage ends in divorce, property acquired during the marriage is divided equitably between the

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question of law

question of law. 1. An issue to be decided by the judge, concerning the application or interpretation of the law (a jury cannot decide questions of law, which are reserved for the court). 2. A question that the law itself has authoritatively answered, so that the court may not answer it as a matter of

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departure, n. 1. A deviation or divergence from a standard rule, regulation, measurement, or course of conduct (an impermissible departure from sentencing guidelines). downward departure. In the federal sentencing guidelines, a court’s imposition of a sentence more lenient than the standard guidelines propose, as when the court concludes that a criminal’s history is less serious

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minimal participant

minimal participant. Criminal law. Under the federal sentencing guidelines, a defendant who is among the least culpable of a group of criminal actors, as when the defendant does not understand the scope or structure of the criminal enterprise or the actions of the other members of the group. • The offense level for a crime

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