Search Results for: DAMAGE

abuse of rights

abuse of rights. 1. Int’l law. A country’s exercise of a right either in a way that impedes the enjoyment by other countries of their own rights or for a purpose different from that for which the right was created (e.g., to harm another country). 2. Louisiana law. A person’s exercise of a right in

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total breach

A breach of contract for which the remedial rights provided by law are substituted for all the existing contractual rights, or can be so substituted by the injured party; esp., a material breach that gives rise to a claim for damages based on the aggrieved party’s remaining rights to performance under the contract. [Cases: Contracts

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writ of covenant

writ of covenant. Hist. A writ for one claiming damages as a result of a breach of a promise under seal or other covenant. — Also termed breve de conventione (breev orbree-vee dee k[schwa]n-ven-shee-oh-nee). “The writ of covenant (breve de conventione) is not mentioned by Glanvill; but it appears within a short time after the

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earnest money

earnest money. A deposit paid (often in escrow) by a prospective buyer (esp. of real estate) to show a good-faith intention to complete the transaction, and ordinarily forfeited if the buyer defaults. • Although earnest money has traditionally been a nominal sum (such as a nickel or a dollar) used in the sale of goods,

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