Search Results for: EARNEST

god’s penny

God’s penny. Hist. Earnest money; a small sum paid on the striking of a bargain. — Also termed denarius Dei; earnest-penny; godpenny. See ARRA. “It is among the merchants that the giving of earnest first … becomes a form which binds both buyer and seller in a contract of sale. To all appearances this change

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arra (ar-[schwa]), n. [Latin “earnest, deposit”] Roman & civil law. Earnest money; money given as evidence of a completed bargain. Also spelled arrha. See DENARIUS DEI. Cf. GOD’S PENNY. — Pl. arrae.

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escrow (es-kroh), n. 1. A legal document or property delivered by a promisor to a third party to be held by the third party for a given amount of time or until the occurrence of a condition, at which time the third party is to hand over the document or property to the promisee (the

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