Search Results for: SCHOOL DISTRICT

local government

The government of a particular locality, such as a city or county; a governing body at a lower level than the state government. • The term includes a school district, fire district, transportation authority, and any other special-purpose district or authority. — Also termed municipal government. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 6. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations § 12.]

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mainstreaming. The practice of educating a disabled student in a class with students who are not disabled, in a regular-education setting, as opposed to a special-education one. Cf. LEAST-RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT. [Cases: Schools 154(2). C.J.S. Schools and School Districts §§ 716, 718–719.]

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truancy officer

truancy officer. An official responsible for enforcing laws mandating school attendance for minors of specified ages (usu. 16 and under). — Also termed truant officer; attendance officer. [Cases: Schools 161. C.J.S. Schools and School Districts §§ 740–743.]

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quasi corporation

quasi corporation 〈美〉准法人;准社团;准市政法人 指一个团体行使法人、社团、公司的某些职能,但尚未按立法机关的一般法或特别法的规定获得法人地位的实体。此名称尤指未被视为真正的市政法人〔municipal corporation〕的县〔county〕、城镇〔township〕,校区〔school district〕或其他政治实体。该词有时亦称quasi-municipal corporation。 (→municipal corporation)

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zero coupon bond

zero-tolerance policy. An established plan or method of action stating that certain acts will not be permitted or condoned. • School districts often have a zero-tolerance policy regarding the use of drugs and alcohol on school premises or at school-sponsored functions. In 1995 Congress enacted a nationwide zero-tolerance statute to combat underage drinking.

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gerrymandering (jer-ee-man-d[schwa]r-ing orger-ee-), n. 1. The practice of dividing a geographical area into electoral districts, often of highly irregular shape, to give one political party an unfair advantage by diluting the opposition’s voting strength. • When Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry ran for reelection in 1812, members of his political party, the Anti-Federalists, altered the state’s

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stay put rule

stay-put rule. School law. The principle that a child must remain in his or her current educational placement while an administrative claim under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (usu. for an alternative placement or for mainstreaming) is pending. 20 USCA § 1415(j). [Cases: Schools 154(2.1). C.J.S. Schools and School Districts §§ 716, 718–719.]

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gerrymander(ing) n. 〈美〉不公正划分的选区;不公正划分辖区 该词是19世纪早期由马萨诸塞州〔Massachusetts〕州长埃尔布里奇·格里〔Elbridge Gerry〕的姓与「salamander」一词后缀合并而成的具有讽刺意味的混合词〔portmanteau word〕。当1812年格里所属政党为支持反联邦主义者而重新划分马萨诸塞州选区后,埃塞克斯县〔Essex County〕被划分的形如蝾螈〔salamander〕。自此,gerrymandering指通过划分选区,削弱对手党的投票能量〔voting strength〕而使某一政党获得不公平的优势。在此情况下,其亦称political gerrymandering。目前,此项涵义虽仍是该词的主要含义,但已有所扩展,即其也指为使某一团体获得特别优势而划分辖区(如校区〔school districts〕),其亦称jurisdictional gerrymandering。 (→reapportionment)

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