Search Results for: GREE


dicast (dI-kast ordik-ast), n. [Greek dikastes] Hist. An ancient Greek officer sitting as both judge and juror. • Each dicast was generally a free citizen over the age of 30. The dicasts sat together in groups of 100 to 500, according to each case’s importance, and decided cases by a majority.

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Kennedy Round

Kennedy Round 肯尼迪回合 指关贸总协定〔General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/G.A.T.T.〕范围内于1964年至1967年在日内瓦举行的第六次多边贸易谈判,因由美国总统肯尼迪发起而得名。该回合谈判的主要成果包括:自1968年起5年内工业品关税平均削减35%;还通过了关贸总协定第一个反倾销法典。

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rebus sic stantibus

rebus sic stantibus (ree-b[schwa]s sik stan-ti-b[schwa]s). [Latin “matters so standing”] Int’l law & civil law law. The principle that all agreements are concluded with the implied condition that they are binding only as long as there are no major changes in the circumstances. See CLAUSA REBUS SIC STANTIBUS . [Cases: Treaties 5. C.J.S. Treaties §

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geneva conventions of 1949

Geneva Conventions of 1949 (j[schwa]-nee-v[schwa]). Four international agreements dealing with the protection of wounded members of the armed forces, the treatment of prisoners of war, and the protection of civilians during international armed conflicts. • Common Article 3 of the Conventions proclaims certain minimum standards of treatment that are applicable to noninternational armed conflicts. The

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confession of judgment

confession of judgment. 1. A person’s agreeing to the entry of judgment upon the occurrence or nonoccurrence of an event, such as making a payment. [Cases: Federal Civil Procedure 2396; Judgment 29. C.J.S. Judgments §§ 138, 152–153, 169.] 2. A judgment taken against a debtor by the creditor, based on the debtor’s written consent. [Cases:

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resolution. 1. Parliamentary law. A main motion that formally expresses the sense, will, or action of a deliberative assembly (esp. a legislative body). • A resolution is a highly formal kind of main motion, often containing a preamble, and one or more resolving clauses in the form, “Resolved, That….” concurrent resolution. A resolution passed by

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