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Uniform Consumer Credit Code/U.C.C.C./U3C

Uniform Consumer Credit Code/U.C.C.C./U3C 〈美〉《统一消费者信贷法》 美国的一部统一法,颁布于1968年,仅为部分州所采纳。其目的在于:1使有关消费者信贷和利益的法律得以简化、清晰化和现代化;2规定最高利率以保证对消费者信贷的适当供应;3促进消费者对信贷交易条款的理解,在消费者和信贷供应人之间形成竞争以使消费者能够以合理成本获取信贷;4制止某些消费信贷供应人的不正当行为,以保护消费者和合法信贷者的正当利益;5承认和鼓励发展正当、良好的消费信贷行为;6与《联邦借贷事实披露法》〔Federal Truth-in-Lending Act〕有关披露消费者信贷的规定相协调一致;7在不同管辖地之间形成包括行政规则在内的统一法。 (→Consumer Credit Protection Act;Truth-in-Lending Act)

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landmark decision

landmark decision. A judicial decision that significantly changes existing law. • Examples are Brown v. Board of Educ., 347 U.S. 483, 74 S.Ct. 686 (1954) (holding that segregation in public schools violates the Equal Protection Clause), and Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R., 162 N.E. 99 (N.Y. 1928) (establishing that a defendant’s duty in a negligence

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regulation z

Regulation Z. A Federal Reserve Board regulation that implements the provisions of the federal Consumer Credit Protection Act for member banks. See CONSUMER CREDIT PROTECTION ACT . [Cases: Consumer Credit 32. C.J.S. Interest and Usury; Consumer Credit § 318.]

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right against self incrimination

right against self-incrimination. A criminal defendant’s or a witness’s constitutional right — under the Fifth Amendment, but waivable under certain conditions — guaranteeing that a person cannot be compelled by the government to testify if the testimony might result in the person’s being criminally prosecuted. • Although this right is most often asserted during a

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self settled trust

A trust in which the settlor is also the person who is to receive the benefits from the trust, usu. set up in an attempt to protect the trust assets from creditors. • In most states, such a trust will not protect trust assets from the settlor’s creditors. Restatement (Second) of Trusts § 156 (1959).

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patron. 1. A regular customer or client of a business. 2. A licensee invited or permitted to enter leased land for the purpose for which it is leased. 3. A person who protects or supports some person or thing.

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priority of use

Trademarks. Priority in using a mark in actual commerce. • The priority of use, not the priority of adoption, determines who has the right to protection. Cf. priority of adoption. [Cases: Trade Regulation 66. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 29–30.]

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毒丸(条款) 英语:poison pill (clause) 法语:technique anti-OPA (offre publique d’achat), pilule empoisonnée 德语:Abwehr- taktik gegen Übernahmespekulanten 意大利语:tattica difensiva attuata da società per ostacolare le acquisizioni ostili 西班牙语:estrategia anti-OPA

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patent claim

A formal statement describing the novel features of an invention and defining the scope of the patent’s protection [claim #3 of the patent describes an electrical means for driving a metal pin]. Cf. SPECIFICATION (3). [Cases: Patents 101. C.J.S. Patents §§ 140–142.]

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