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memorandum clause

memorandum clause. A marine-insurance clause protecting underwriters from liability for injury to goods that are particularly perishable, or for minor damages. [Cases: Insurance 2235, 2241. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 1195–1196, 1199–1203, 1208, 1211–1214, 1216–1217.] “This clause was first introduced into the English [marine-insurance] policies about the year 1749. Before that time the insurer was liable for […]

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antidumping law

antidumping law. A statute designed to protect domestic companies by preventing the sale of foreign goods at less than fair value, as defined in the statute (for example, at a price below that of the domestic market). See DUMPING. [Cases: Customs Duties 21. 5. C.J.S. Customs Duties §§ 135–152.]

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police department

police department 〈美〉警察局 市镇政府的一个职能部门,由警察局长〔chief of police〕、警察局巡官队长〔captains〕、副队长〔lieutenants〕、巡警官〔inspectors〕、巡佐〔sergeants〕、侦探〔detectives〕、巡警〔patrolmen〕、交警〔traffic officers〕以及其他属于广义上警察范围的官员组成,其职责在于维护社会治安,制止犯罪以及进行逮捕。

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author’s right

author’s right. Copyright. The system of protecting the moral and economic rights of the creator of a work, esp. in civil-law countries. — Also termed (in French) droit d’auteur; (in German) Urheberrecht; (in Italian) diritto d’ autore; (in Spanish) derecho de autor. “[O]n almost every point of consequence, the traditions of copyright and author’s right

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Queen’s Prison

Queen’s Prison 〈英〉皇家监狱 1842年建于索斯沃克〔Southwark〕,由王座法庭监狱〔Queen’s Bench Division〕、弗里特监狱〔Fleet Prison〕和王室内务法庭监狱〔Marshalsea Prison〕合并而成。用于关押在诉讼中被拘押的,或是依威斯敏斯特上级法庭或海事法庭之令被拘押的债务人或者罪犯,也关押依破产法被拘禁的当事人。该监狱于1862年被撤销,囚犯转押怀特克劳斯监狱〔Whitecross Street Prison〕,1870年又转至霍洛威城市监狱〔City Prison at Holloway〕。

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common law copyright

A property right that arose when the work was created, rather than when it was published. • Under the Copyright Act of 1976, which was effective on January 1, 1978, common-law copyright was largely abolished for works created after the statute’s effective date. But the statute retained the common law’s recognition that the property right

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trinity n. (1)三位一体 指圣父、圣子与圣灵。 (2)三一主日 指圣灵降临节〔Pentecost〕后的第一个星期天。 (=Trinity Sunday) (3)三部加注判例汇编 包括100卷的《美国判例汇编》〔American Decisions〕,从1765年至1869年;60卷的《美国判例报告》〔American Reports〕,从1869年至1887年;140卷的《美国州法院判例集》〔American State Reports〕,从1887年至1911年。

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