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single purpose project

single-purpose project. A facility that is designed, built, and used for one reason only, such as to generate electricity. • This term most often refers to large, complex, expensive projects such as power plants, chemical-processing plants, mines, and toll roads. Projects of this type are often funded through project financing, in which a special-purpose entity

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subpoena 〈拉〉 (1)传票 由法庭或其他授权机构签发的指令某人在规定的时间和地点出席(法庭)的命令,如不遵行,将受到惩罚〔sub poena〕。传票分两种:一种叫做「作证传票」〔subpoena ad testificandum/subpoena ad test〕,要求传票受送达人即某一证人在法庭或审查人、公断人前出庭作证;另一种叫做「提交书面文件传票」〔subpoena duces tecum〕,要求受送达人出庭作证并向法庭提交所需的书面文件,该证人除非受到质询,不必宣誓,也不能被交叉询问。根据英格兰最高法院诉讼规则,传票需在签发令状后12周内直接送达,且以上两种传票不得用于可能签发证人传票〔witness summons〕的刑事诉讼中。如果请求签发传票的人是出于恶意且属于滥用传票的情况,不论是在刑事诉讼还是在民事诉讼中,法庭都可撤销该传票。在英格兰郡法院的诉讼规则中,「传票」〔subpoena〕称作「证人传票」〔witness summons〕。 (2)(衡平法院)传票 过去在衡平法院里,每一起诉讼是由命令被告出庭的传唤令〔writ of subpoena〕开始的,因此,以前的旧判例集里,subpoena的含义相当于「衡平法上的起诉状」〔bill of complaint〕。现代的做法是传票背书在诉状上。如今,每一起诉讼均由传唤令〔writ of summons〕开始。

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display right

display right. Copyright. A copyright owner’s exclusive right to show or exhibit a copy of the protected work publicly, whether directly or by technological means. • For example, this right makes it illegal to transmit a copyrighted work over the Internet without permission. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 36. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property §§

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cura (kyoor-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Roman law. A guardianship that protects the interests of minors who are between puberty and the age of 25, or incapacitated persons. Pl. curae. Cf. TUTELA. “Cura was a form of guardianship indicated by the necessities of the case, with respect to persons who, though sui juris, were in need of

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praerogativa regis

praerogativa regis (pree-rog-[schwa]-tI-v[schwa] ree-jis). [Law Latin “of the Crown’s prerogative”] Hist. A declaration made at the time of Edward I (1272–1307) defining certain feudal and political rights of the Crown, including the right to wardship of an idiot’s lands to protect the idiot’s heirs from disinheritance or alienation. — Also termed de praerogativa regis (dee

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