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employee benefit plan

A written stock-purchase, savings, option, bonus, stock-appreciation, profit-sharing, thrift, incentive, pension, or similar plan solely for employees, officers, and advisers of a company. • The term includes an employee-welfare benefit plan, an employee-pension benefit plan, or a combination of those two. See 29 USCA § 1002(3). But the term excludes any plan, fund, or program […]

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labour law

labour law 劳动法 与僱佣劳动有关的法律原则和规则的总称,包括宪法性条文、制定法、条例和行政法规等,主要涉及报酬、休假、工作条件、劳动保护、工会组织、集体谈判、罢工争议等内容。现代意义的劳动法始于英国1802年的《学徒健康和道德法》〔Health and Morals of Apprentices Act〕。劳动法在学术研究上被作为一个独立的法律部门。

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crib, n. [Origin unknown] Hist. An enclosure at the side of a court where the apprentices stood to learn the law. • For a full history of this term and its variants, see J.H. Baker, “The Pecunes,” in The Legal Profession and the Common Law 171, 173 (1986). — Also spelled cribbe; crubbe. — Also

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legal education and training (England)

legal education and training (England) (英格兰)法律教育和培训 各大学在宗教改革〔Reformation〕之前仅研究罗马法和教会法,而对英格兰法实践的教育和培训,则在四大律师公会〔Inns of Court〕中进行,并由其主持。但是,到17世纪后期,实际上并不存在任何被承认的对英格兰律师的教育,直到1729年,律师学徒训练制〔apprenticeship for solicitors〕才出现。1720年伍德〔Wood〕所着的《英格兰法原理》〔Institute of the Laws of England〕是近代写作系统法律教科书的第一次尝试。1758年,布莱克斯通〔Blackstone〕被任命为瓦伊讲座教授〔Vinerian Chair〕,并于1765-1768年间出版了他的四卷本《英格兰法释评》〔Commentaries〕,这是以其教授内容为基础写成的。他的成就首先在于以一种系统的方法确立了普通法的主要规则,以使其具有合理的体系;其次,用宜于阅读的英语文体写成;第三,使普通法成为受知识界尊重的研究课题,使之同罗马民法〔civil law of Rome〕一样适合于大学。1850年,牛津大学设立法律与近代历史学院〔School of Law and Modern History〕,1872年两学科各自分开。在剑桥大学,1800年设立唐宁讲座教授〔Downing Chair〕,并于1858年开始举行法律荣誉学位考试〔Law Tripos〕。1852年,四大律师公会联合建立了法律教育委员会〔Council of Legal Education〕,并开始设立课程,1872年规定了加入律师协会〔Bar〕必须参加的强制性考试。现在许多新的大学甚至一些理工大学都开设法学研修课,各学科也都有适合学生学习的教科书。

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employer. A person who controls and directs a worker under an express or implied contract of hire and who pays the worker’s salary or wages. Cf. PRINCIPAL(1). [Cases: Master and Servant 1. C.J.S. Apprentices §§ 2, 11; Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 2–3, 6–12.] equal-opportunity employer. An employer who agrees not to discriminate against any job applicant

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social legislation

social legislation 社会立法 是对具有显着社会意义事项立法的统称,例如涉及教育、住房、租金、保健、福利、抚恤养老金及其他社会保障等方面。最早的社会立法大概是《济贫法》〔Old Poor Law〕,但大量重要的社会立法是在19世纪,如当时有《工厂法》〔Factories Acts〕、《学徒健康与道德准则法》〔Health and Morals of Apprentices Acts〕和《劳工赔偿法》〔Workmen’s Compensation Legislation〕等。 (→social security)

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employee. A person who works in the service of another person (the employer) under an express or implied contract of hire, under which the employer has the right to control the details of work performance. — Also spelled employe. Cf. AGENT(1); INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. [Cases: Master and Servant 1. C.J.S. Apprentices §§ 2, 11; Employer–Employee Relationship

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