Search Results for: APPRENTICE


termination, n. 1. The act of ending something; EXTINGUISHMENT (termination of the partnership by winding up its affairs). termination of conditional contract. The act of putting an end to all unperformed portions of a conditional contract. [Cases: Contracts 249. C.J.S. Contracts §§ 422, 424, 427–428, 456, 465–466, 484.] termination of employment. The complete severance of […]

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clinical legal studies

clinical legal studies. Law-school training in which students participate in actual cases under the supervision of a practicing attorney or law professor. • This training was first introduced in the late 1960s under the leadership of Gary Bellow and others. It provided law students with a substitute for traditional apprenticeship programs. — Often shortened to

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union, n. An organization formed to negotiate with employers, on behalf of workers collectively, about job-related issues such as salary, benefits, hours, and working conditions. • Unions generally represent skilled workers in trades and crafts. — Also termed labor union; labor organization; organization. See TRADE COUNCIL. [Cases: Labor Relations 81. C.J.S. Labor Relations §§ 43–45.]

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servant. A person who is employed by another to do work under the control and direction of the employer. • A servant, such as a full-time employee, provides personal services that are integral to an employer’s business, so a servant must submit to the employer’s control of the servant’s time and behavior. See EMPLOYEE. Cf.

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welfare plan

Under ERISA, any plan, fund, or program established or maintained by an employer or an employee organization for the purpose of providing to participants or their beneficiaries any number of potential benefits: medical, surgical, or hospital care or benefits; benefits in the event of sickness, accident, disability, death, or unemployment; vacation benefits; apprenticeship or other

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master, n. 1. One who has personal authority over another’s services; specif., a principal who employs another to perform one or more services and who controls or has the right to control the physical conduct of the other in the performance of the services; EMPLOYER (the law of master and servant). [Cases: Master and Servant

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employment at will

Employment that is usu. undertaken without a contract and that may be terminated at any time, by either the employer or the employee, without cause. — Also termed at-will employment; hiring at will. [Cases: Master and Servant 20. C.J.S. Apprentices § 10; Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 40, 42–43.]

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hireling, n. A person who is hired or serves for wages, esp. one who works only for the sake of payments. [Cases: Master and Servant 1. C.J.S. Apprentices §§ 2, 11; Employer–Employee Relationship §§ 2–3, 6–12.]

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