Search Results for: DISPUTE


arbitrator, n. A neutral person who resolves disputes between parties, esp. by means of formal arbitration. ME-DIATOR; ARBITER. — Also termed (in Latin) compromissarius. [Cases: Arbitration 26, 29. C.J.S. Arbi-tration §§ 58, 60, 62, 68, 107, 109.] — arbitratorship, n.

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interplead, vb. 1. (Of a claimant) to assert one’s own claim regarding property or an issue already before the court. 2. (Of a stakeholder) to institute an interpleader action, usu. by depositing disputed property into the court’s registry to abide the court’s decision about who is entitled to the property. Cf. IMPLEAD. [Cases: Interpleader 1.

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neutral, adj. 1. Indifferent. 2. (Of a judge, mediator, arbitrator, or actor) refraining from taking sides in a dispute. neutral, n. 1. A person or country taking no side in a dispute; esp., a country that is at peace and is committed to aid neither of two or more belligerents. Cf. BELLIGERENT. “The rights of

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domestic, adj. 1. Of or relating to one’s own country (domestic affairs). 2. Of or relating to one’s own jurisdiction (in Alaska, a domestic corporation is an Alaskan one). 3. Of or relating to the family or the household (a domestic dispute). domestic . See DOMESTIC SERVANT.

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