Search Results for: PUBLIC SERVICE

public health

public health 公共卫生 英国于1848年首次制定《公共卫生法》〔Public Health Act〕,开现代公共卫生立法的先河,1936年的《公共卫生法》对公共卫生的要求作出详细规定,1961年予以部分修改。在美国,许多城市设有负责保持公共卫生的「公共卫生部门」〔public health department〕或类似机构;在联邦,由卫生及公众服务部〔Department of Health and Human Services〕负责执行公共卫生方面的联邦法律。

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civil service

civil service, n. 1. The administrative branches of a government. [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 11. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees §§ 63–65, 71–74.] 2. The group of people employed by these branches. — civil servant, n.

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department of health and human services

Department of Health and Human Services. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for matters of health, welfare, and income security. • It was originally established by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1953 under the title Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. The Department is headed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

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acceptable identification of goods and services manual

Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual. Trademarks. A U.S. Government publication that sets forth, for goods and services, known acceptable international class categorizations and descriptions that may be used in trademark applications submitted to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. • This manual is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402,

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land scrip

land scrip. A negotiable instrument entitling the holder, usu. a person or company engaged in public service, to possess specified areas of public land. See SCRIP(1). [Cases: Public Lands 135(1). C.J.S. Public Lands §§ 150, 152–158, 160–162.]

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