civil service

civil service

civil service (1)〈英〉文职部门 陆、海、空军以外的所有部门。1968年成立文官事务部〔Civil Service Department〕,从财政部接管了文官事务管理。首相是文官事务大臣,枢密院院长〔Lord President of the Council〕司掌日常工作。该部的常务次长〔Permanent Secretary〕是文职司长〔Head of the Civil Service〕。1981年文官事务部被撤销,其职权转由财政部和内阁办公厅中成立的管理和人事局负责。 (2)〔总称〕文职人员 指受雇于政府部门担任文官的全体人员。 (3)〈美〉文官制 指基于功绩制〔merit system〕而非分赃制〔spoils system〕来确定公职人员的任命和任期的文官制度。

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civil service

civil service, n. 1. The administrative branches of a government. [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 11. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees §§ 63–65, 71–74.] 2. The group of people employed by these branches. — civil servant, n.

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