Search Results for: PUBLIC SERVICE


impressment (im-pres-m[schwa]nt), n. 1. The act of forcibly taking (something) for public service. 2. A court’s imposition of a constructive trust on equitable grounds. See constructive trust under TRUST. 3. Archaic. The method by which armed forces were formerly expanded, when so-called press-gangs seized men off the streets and forced them to join the army

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committee n. (1)委员会 通过立法机构或法人或其它社团选举或任命产生的一种组织,负责执行公务〔public service or duty〕,对某些事项进行调查、讨论、提出建议、作出决定或经营、处理。 (2)精神病人或其财产的监护人(→political committee)

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conductor (k[schwa]n-d[schwa]k-t[schwa]r or -tor), n. [Latin “one who hires”] Roman law. 1. A lessee or a person who hires the services of another; a hirer. 2. A person hired to make a specific work; a contractor. • A contractor, esp. for the provision of public services, was also called manceps or redemptor. See MANCEPS; LOCATOR(1).

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utility. 1. The quality of serving some function that benefits society; meritoriousness. 2. Patents. Capacity to perform a function or attain a result claimed for protection as intellectual property. • In patent law, utility is one of the three basic requirements of patentability, the others being nonobviousness and novelty. In the calculation of damages for

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americans with disabilities act

Americans with Disabilities Act. A federal statute that prohibits discrimination — in employment, public services, and public accommodations — against any person with a disability (“a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities”).42 USCA §§ 12101–12213. • Under the ADA, major life activities include any activity that

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commission, n. 1. A warrant or authority, from the government or a court, that empowers the person named to execute official acts (the student received his commission to the U.S. Navy after graduation). 2. The authority under which a person transacts business for another (the client gave her attorney express commission to sign the contract).

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