Search Results for: PUBLIC SERVICE


supplies, n. 1. Means of provision or relief; stores available for distribution. 2. In parliamentary proceedings, the annual grant voted on by the House of Commons for maintaining the Crown and various public services.

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magistratus (maj-[schwa]-stray-t[schwa]s), n. [fr. Latin magister “a master”] Roman law. 1. A magistrate. 2. A magistrate’s office. “Magistratus. Denotes both the public office and the official himself. Magistracy was a Republican institution; under the Principate some magistratus continued to exist but with gradually diminishing importance; in the post-Diocletian Empire some former magistracies still exist but

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banking day

banking day. 1. Banking hours on a day when a bank is open to the public for carrying on substantially all its banking functions. • Typically, if the bookkeeping and loan departments are closed by a certain hour, the remainder of that day is not part of that bank’s banking day. 2. A day on

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municipal officer

A person who occupies a municipal office — usu. mandated by statute or charter — and who may be required to take an oath and exercise sovereign authority in carrying out public duties, with compensation incident to the office irrespective of the actual services rendered. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 123. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 328, 330.]

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donation land

Land granted from the public domain to an individual as a gift, usu. as a reward for services or to encourage settlement in a remote area. • The term was initially used in Pennsylvania to reward Revolutionary War soldiers. Cf. certificate land. [Cases: Public Lands 45. C.J.S. Public Lands §§ 67–70.]

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land use regulation

land-use regulation. An ordinance or other legislative enactment governing the development or use of real estate. — Also spelled landuse regulation. [Cases: Zoning and Planning 1. C.J.S. Zoning and Land Planning §§ 2, 5–7, 17–18.] “Public regulation of the use and development of land comes in a variety of forms which generally focus on four

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rubric (roo-brik). 1. The title of a statute or code (the rubric of the relevant statute is the Civil Rights Act of 1964). 2. A category or designation (assignment of rights falls under the rubric of contract law). 3. An authoritative rule, esp. for conducting a public worship service (the rubric dictates whether the congregation

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department of the interior

Department of the Interior. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for managing the nation’s public lands and minerals, national parks, national wildlife refuges, and western water resources, and for upholding federal trust responsibilities to Indian tribes. • The Department also has responsibility for migratory-wildlife conservation; historical preservation; endangered species; surface-mined-lands preservation and restoration;

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general land office

General Land Office. A former U.S. Interior Department division that exercised executive power relating to the public lands, including their survey, patenting, and sale or other disposition. • The General Land Office and the U.S. Grazing Service were consolidated into the Bureau of Land Management in 1946. See BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. [Cases: Public Lands

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