Search Results for: PUBLIC SERVICE

lex sempronia

lex Sempronia (leks sem-proh-nee-[schwa]). [Latin] Roman law. A law of 122 B.C. transferring the duty of jury service from the senators to the equestrians (knights). • The control of the juries in the quaestiones perpetuae, particularly in extortion (repetundae) trials, was one of the key areas of political conflict in the late Republic.

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aedile (ee-dIl).Roman law. A magistrate charged with policing the city, managing public buildings and services, supervising markets, and arranging public games. — Also spelled edile.

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health. 1. The state of being sound or whole in body, mind, or soul. 2. Freedom from pain or sickness. public health. 1. The health of the community at large. 2. The healthful or sanitary condition of the general body of people or the community en masse; esp., the methods of maintaining the health of

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national archives and records administration

National Archives and Records Administration. An independent federal agency that sets procedures for managing governmental records; helps federal agencies manage their records; provides record-storage access; and manages the Presidential Libraries system. • The agency is run by the Archivist of the United States. It publishes the United States Statutes at Large, the Federal Register, the

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agency for toxic substances and disease registry

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. An agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services responsible for evaluating the impact on public health of the release of hazardous substances into the environment, for maintaining a registry of contaminated waste sites, and for conducting research on the effects of hazardous substances on human

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