Search Results for: PUBLIC SERVICE

investment banking

investment banking. The business of underwriting or selling securities; esp., the marketing of new stocks or bonds. “The term ‘investment banking’ can be used to encompass [underwriting, and acting as a dealer, broker, and market maker], and any person in a firm performing any of those functions could be called an investment banker. By convention, […]

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office. 1. A position of duty, trust, or authority, esp. one conferred by a governmental authority for a public purpose (the office of attorney general). [Cases: Officers and Public Employees 1. C.J.S. Officers and Public Employees §§ 1–9, 12–17, 21.] 2. (often cap.) A division of the U.S. government ranking immediately below a department (the

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descriptive word

descriptive word. Trademarks. A term that portrays a general characteristic or function of a product or service. • A descriptive word may not be registered as a trademark unless it has acquired secondary meaning in the minds of consumers so that it is directly associated with one brand. [Cases: Trade Regulation 164. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names,

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metropolitan council

metropolitan council. An official or quasi-official body appointed or elected by voters of a metropolitan area to provide for the unified administration of services (such as sewage disposal or public transportation) to the cities and towns within the metropolitan area. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 39. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 78–80.]

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condemnation (kon-dem-nay-sh[schwa]n), n. 1. The act of judicially pronouncing someone guilty; conviction. 2. The determination and declaration that certain property (esp. land) is assigned to public use, subject to reasonable compensation; the exercise of eminent domain by a governmental entity. See EMINENT DOMAIN. excess condemnation. A taking of land in excess of the boundaries of

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shelter, n. 1. A place of refuge providing safety from danger, attack, or observation. homeless shelter. A privately or publicly operated residential facility providing overnight accommodation free of charge to homeless people. • Most homeless shelters accept occupants on a first-come-first-served basis and are open only from early evening to early morning. Those that serve

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house. 1. A home, dwelling, or residence. ancient house. Hist. In England, a house that has stood long enough to acquire an easement of support against the adjoining land or building. bawdy house. See DISORDERLY HOUSE(2). disorderly house. See DISORDERLY HOUSE. dwelling house. See DWELLING HOUSE. house of correction. 1. A reformatory. 2. A place

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liber (lI-b[schwa]r), adj. [Latin “free”] 1. (Of courts, public places, etc.) open and accessible. 2. (Of a person) having the state or condition of a freeman. 3. (Of a person) free from another’s service or authority. liber (lI-b[schwa]r), n. [Latin “book”] 1. A book of records, esp. of deeds. 2. A main division of a

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